Daniel Bates

Daniel Bates Poems

A girl I once knew of beauties born,
But poison was she, and full of scorn.
The heart was right and depth within
But shallowness was all that shone.

Not friends have I, that I can bare my soul
Yet in these words I can allow
Why? Why don't I have people to confide?
I used to, perhaps it's my pride.

What life giveth, can be taken away
Only a strong will can sometimes make stay.
The pleasures you work so hard to acquire,
The good times you have to admire

Weep for the bleeding earth and its masses,
For its pointless inequality and unendurable 'classes'.
For the stupidity of war,

It's funny how some of our misery
Is caused by man made impurity:
Like money debt and promescuity.
Man made constructs


The greatest invention of the human race
Isn't the wheel, the Internet, money or trade.
It's words.

So the story begins..
Once upon a time...
On a fine summers day...
This friend of mine...

Shadows of yesterday cast no light
Cause, forth into frey by morning sight
Heathen, beast, charlatan and foe
A new dawn of Sapians forgotten woe

To read a poem bares their soul,
O' love, o' hatred, o'death, o' thought,
It's within the words in which we are taught,
In these readings I become nigh owl.

The undulations of life find me sitting here,
Like hills in the peaks, rolling on until the end.
For now I'm alone, sad and full of un-cheer,
But, a light, my thoughts offer to lend

The Best Poem Of Daniel Bates

A Modern Truth

A girl I once knew of beauties born,
But poison was she, and full of scorn.
The heart was right and depth within
But shallowness was all that shone.

So common is this affliction of life,
That beauty, true beauty is of troubled strife
And rarely does morality cast its shadow
And this cuts deep like a knife.

The want for muscle and might and girth
And not for love of child birth
Sign of times I hear her say
I weep for the future of our earth

So common is this superficiality
That it becomes a stark reality,
Maybe I look to wrong places for love,
But I find this a frequent commonality.

Cynical, maybe but I doubt that's the truth,
I simply find modernity uncouth,
Long for I, a simple being
A loving, caring simple you!

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