Cody Allan Turner Poems

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The Sky Is But A Deeper Sea

The sky is but a deeper sea
And which air is some invisible cloud

Time is longer than any man

There Is A Better Life

Waking up is the hardest part.
It is leaving that comfort and diving face first
Into pain.
It is awakening to face reality


Dying was not among our plans
We were young, dared not question love
And carried the world with softer hands
With a dream still lingering above.

Thy Beauty

Thy beauty is a flower garden hose
Giving life to happiness
Ensuring that each flower grows
Shedding pain of grief


Is there a star out there made just for me?
Have I met it with the glance of an eye?
The one in broad daylight that I see,
Perched beyond all space and sky

I Am Not One Thing

I am not one thing
I do not live to be one thing.
I do not dream one dream
Nor is there one song I sing

In This Life I Did Find Life

In these fields I do find life,
A vast peace in slow moving days
All wins when there is no strife
And rules burned replaced with ways.

In Death I Do See Dawn

It is morning and I see dawn
A swirl of colors not taught
It fades though not entirely gone
A canvas to paint a thought


My time, you are an oncoming train!
Awakened by your lingering stay
My time, you are an approaching plane!
Grant me life but one more day.

Last Words

All movement is an art
Each glimpse of time is a treasure
What sits warm in the heart
Shall comfort the soul forever.

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