Carla J Nelson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Betrayal's Aftermath

Betrayal's Aftermath

The assault comes unexpectedly.
It catches you

Making Fairy Dust

Want to attract a fairy?
Here is what you have to do.
Make a bit of fairy dust,
With sparkles through and through.

Fairy Dust Invitation

If you have a special garden,
Where flowers and herbs abound,
Then take a pinch of fairy dust,
And sprinkle it around.

An Ode To Old Age

Eyes bagging?
Skin cragging?
Butt dragging?
Energy flagging?

Gypsy Yearnings

Gypsy Yearnings

Wanderlust is tugging,
At the gypsy in my soul,

If I Won The Lottery

If I won the lottery,
I'll tell you what I'd do.
I'd hire myself a gardener,
Maybe even two.

The Fairy Nursery Tree

The West Wind whispered, "Come away.
There's a sight to see in the woods today."
I followed where the West Wind led,
Past nodding violets, through ferns we sped.

Reincarnation Contemplation

If death takes you from me early
And I'm left to journey on,
I know the soul that bides within you
Will transcend your body when it's gone.

The Walnut Man

The Walnut Man

He died in July at the age of 91,
And I did not mourn his passing.

Tea And Worts

Tea & Worts

The ladies of Lopper,
Convened over tea.

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