Reincarnation Contemplation Poem by Carla J Nelson

Reincarnation Contemplation

If death takes you from me early
And I'm left to journey on,
I know the soul that bides within you
Will transcend your body when it's gone.
But will you come back as another?
Will your life end - yet anew begin?
Will you be reborn in different form?
Will I know you if you come again?

Will you return to the familiar?
Will you choose a world apart?
Will we share the same life's passions,
Embrace like matters of the heart?
Will we be friends or strangers,
Will we be allies, enemies, kin?
Will there be some sign to tell me?
Will I know you if you come again?

Will I rock you as my grandchild?
Will you be the neighbor's son?
Will I see you in a schoolyard,
Recognize the way you run?
Will I find a trace of something
That reminds me of 'back when'?
Will we laugh and talk together?
Will I know you if you come again?

Will there be a smile I'm drawn to,
A way with words that strikes a bell?
A look that says we're kindred souls
Some clue that makes memories well?
If I clasp your arm with feeling,
Will your eyes sparkle, will you grin?
Will we feel a prior connection?
Will I know you if you come again?

Please! Let me know you if you come again.

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