Brad Kellum

Brad Kellum Poems

Cruising the blacktop dance floor.
Just steady beats and I.
Almost home, only four more miles to fly.
Been one of those atrocious days.

The snake travels up the spine.

The darkness I search for in this falling night.
Summoning the courage for your devils delight.
Haunted, I walk alone, into the depths of reigned desire.
Upon your touch, death, my ravaged body thrown to the pire.

Take everthing.
given to return.
Lay waste to one,
leave' em to burn.

Still born dreams spat from cinematic lies.
Pefected face through a famous smile.
Inspirational duplicity of a promised mile.
Twisting the morals of our innocence dailed.

Fearfully dreamed through repetitive screams.
Death of light, Hell's grand night.
Glorified flight of demons contrite.
Fell from grace, ones' lost innocence facade.

Even on the darkest path we walk down,
you can behold a beautiful plight,
though we feel as if we tread alone.
Our echoing footsteps,

Grasping the apathetic handle in my hand.
Pondering the moment when to enact my plan.
Sweat breaking upon my brow.
Hearing the distant cry of the ravens caw.

The placement of her hands upon her chin.
Such sweet serenity beneath the skin.
Sublime evil plotting her divine spin.
So easily lain down thoughtless provoke.

Pushing the blade against the skin.....such red esctasy.
The gleaming of the metal reflectin the light of truthful eyes.
'Just push a little deeper, just a little.' she says.
Just hearing her sweet words.

Worship our god, no longer walking to mass, as of yet
set behind silicon and glass.
Pray to the illuminated god of neon and gas.
For the storm is coming.

In the mind the eyes don's see.
Stealing the find as the sky sets free.
Silent hands of time ticking ever closer.
Not wanting to see your life truth.

Trying and trying for zero.
Searching for nothing more than oblivion.
Relentlessly starving with hunger.
Lying and devising to spill the hero.


At night, descending twilight, sleep moves vagrantly past.
With eyes stilled know what's in this man.
Two sea inside this man living a lie.
Expressedly he's afaid to imply.

Seamlessly deranged upon our ignorant age.
Defiantly placing your forged rage.
Wonderously living an innocent plague
Still unbeliving that we no longer live by the Book.

Coarsing violently through my veins.
I feel the pulsing of my disdain.
Unfaithfully embolmed within my unchained rage.
Sourly twisting those despisedly sentenced to my cage.


In times like these, a need to fill.
With breathless parchment and lively words carved with a quill.
Held in momentum the voiceless mind starts to shrill.
Unspoken words that can't be voiced.

Quietus is what we are born to.
In life we must see with eyes anew.
Ruination being always present but never felt until the end.
Though life is always there from the begining until we descend.

Standing alone in this valley of twilight.
Razing, bitterly cold wind, cutting through.
Tiresomely blamed for our decadent plight.
Penitently humbled, on my knees I come unto You.

Cut-down and tossed aside.
Perspicuously left no where to hide.
Patiently expectancy deaths' reply.
Placed at damnation's divide.

Brad Kellum Biography

I am nothing more than what you think I am)

The Best Poem Of Brad Kellum

Driving Into Mrs Deery

Cruising the blacktop dance floor.
Just steady beats and I.
Almost home, only four more miles to fly.
Been one of those atrocious days.
Feeling the negativity of the world accrue.
Through blazing lights, wild eyes with brown fur coming, its intention unsure.
Left to right this hapless creature unwarily runs to its death.
Cut to the left, back the way you came, logically you'll be safe from a lovely mess.
Nevertheless, gripped in terror, this pensive creature returns from whence it came.
Almost missed, such a shame.
Just as I start to smile 'Yes' I say ' I'm going to get pass with no damage done to mine.'.
Time stops, frame by frame, it turns once again.
Only to be violently married to the front of my car.
For just a passing moment, a grain of time.
Such a horrific sight, possibly sublime.
Now the poor creature's life has ended.
This is just part of life with which we must deal.
Just another tooth on life's wheel.

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