Ava Xyz Poems

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V Is For Voice

Shallow we wade through unclean water.
Quiet is the current that carries us on.
Newfound truth washes away a muddy past.
We are prisoners of the 'ideal' society.

Love It If You'Ve Got It

It's not what you love, but how you love it.
Because loving's worth nothing when you have nothing real to love.
So biuld it up,
Just like a baby block tower.

Unwanted Snowballs

Snow flys
Child cries
Snow thrown
Parents groan

Clean White Sheets

I lay here dreaming about you.
So seperated inside that I don't know what to do.
And these crisp, clean white sheets remind me again.
Of you and I,

Getting It Together

Love me misreble,
that's the way that you do.
Call me a disaster,
I belive that it's true.


Angel you fill my life.
When the reasons are all gone,
then there is you.
For you I keep trying.


Pictures plastered to the wall.
Reminding you of adventures past.
There are smiling faces.
I see no frowns.


When it's raining inside my head
it's never pouring outside.
I sit alone inside of myself
and I don't even know why.

From Him To Her Pt.1

You, my fair one are the essence of life itself.
The moment our eyes met in heavenly delight I was smitten.
No longer do the laws of gravity apply,
for I am in orbit.

From Her To Him Pt.1

Oh love, should I wisper sweet words?
Will they reach you,
or only fall arrantly at your feet?
You speak as if we've always known,

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