Aswathi Asok

Aswathi Asok Poems

She looks so happy that day
She heard the news after so many delay
She was bit confuse to share her joy
Because, her mind was jumping as a play boy

Hey butterfly how beautiful you are
Do you come from heaven? Or any-
Angel left you on earth.
Hey butterfly, are you wandering for honey

Whenever I feel alone in this world
I trust in you lord
Whenever I feel no one cares me
I trust in you lord

While she was walking along the street
There was a crowd beside the road
It looks like a flocks of sheep
She was so curious to know about it,

On the day first when I saw him
He was playing with his friends
He looked at me by the corner of his eyes
I just opened my book and started to read

I don't know what happened to me
Who has stolen my sleep
Who has stolen my hunger
Who has stolen my mind and

I know I never get a friend like you
Whenever I am memorizing the moment I met you-
My mind is crying, my eyes are flooding
Because, first when we were together

Skies were full of darkened and cloudy,
It was ready to shed the rain down
Suddenly bell rang to free the school
Glad in the freedom of school let out,

We held our hands
Walked long way, spoke nothing by words
Emotions exchanged between eyes
Lot to talk and more to elucidate

It was a long and a narrow road
I preferred as it was short cut to reach the school soon
Path covered with mute stones and dried leaves
I could hear someone behind me also walking but

Whenever I pass by the Phoenix unit
I feel the empty corridor want to say lot of stories to me
The story of grief, pain, torment and the unspoken words of death bed.
The partners and parents who stood outside behind the shut door might wants to scream and shout their pain to the world.

They demolished our house without any notice
The atrocious human activity pulled down the most beautiful nest we prepared for our newborn
The eggs broken and shells scattered in the air
The mother bird cried aloud and flapped her wings in panic

The long wait ended
The deep sigh of relaxation broke the silence in the room
Someone closed my eye lids forcefully and zipped my lips
Sun-baked eyes of everyone waited trying hard to shed any tears

I waited nine months to see your cute face
I waited patiently to see the day you crawling
I waited curiously to see the day you walking
I waited eagerly to hear the first word you speaking

You trying to hide your feelings but,
You failed at each attempt
You peeping from here and there
I do not know what that it means?

Oh! my angel when did you come to my life
Oh! my angel when did you change my mind
How can I leave you for other's sake
How can I not love you for anyone else

Jesus you gave me life
I praise you in all of my life
I rejoice my life with your blessings
I amuse my life with your love

I don't know where my life is going
Fed up with this monotony
Feel to make some changes
But, something pulling me back

Where I will hide my tears
Where I will dip my grief and
Where I will confess my love
Whether it is a mishap or it is my fate

How can I explain mother's love?
My word wealth is not enough to illustrate her love, but
Still my mind is craving to tell about it
She is someone who love selfless, bear pain behalf

The Best Poem Of Aswathi Asok

Don't Worry Ma.........

She looks so happy that day
She heard the news after so many delay
She was bit confuse to share her joy
Because, her mind was jumping as a play boy
She started dream my cute face
She started praising the moment with grace
She started dreaming my name-day
Kind of names reflected in her mind to say
She started dreaming my first school day
Cherish the moment of dressing me in good-way
She started talking with me each day
I started hearing her voice antsy
Every moment I could feel her happiness
Every prayer she made for my goodness
But, today she looks so unhappy
I heard she speaking with one lady
Her eyes started shed tears limitless
Her grief was really boundless
So far I am again secured in God's hand
But my mother thinking I am no more
I wanted to say her one thing,
I will be back to your womb very soon
God wants to give you the best one
He needs to mould me still more
Which he forgot to do it at first-
when he created me.....

Aswathi Asok

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