Amal Jacob

Amal Jacob Poems

I keep your smile close to my heart,
The divine music of love. In a moment,
Our souls unite and my mind whispers: you are mine.

I am the ultimate hope,
A light that glows in the dark,
A beacon of love and strength,
A heart that's pure and strong.


He came, with a vision of a peaceful world;
Learning from people's flaws and strengths.
He witnessed the evil that lurked in the dark.
And knew he had to speak out and act up.

From the sacred land of noble spirits,
He came with a vast and clear vision,
He saw the world in chaos and despair,
And he resolved to end the age of evil and restore the light.

He mingles with the masses, but he stands
Apart from them, for he can glimpse the truth.
He shows compassion, though he understands
The faults and fears that they would rather soothe.

He is a sage of science and philosophy,
A master of the mind and reality.
He probes the mysteries of the cosmos with care,
And wields his wisdom with grace and flair.

He had a mind that yearned to know
The secrets of the cosmos and the soul
He had a spark that none could match
But he was scorned by those who feared his role.

He unlocked the secrets of the cosmos
With his brilliant mind and curious eye
But faced the scorn of jealous peers
Who dared to question the status quo.

The false spirit lures you with promises of power
But it only leads you to darkness and despair
It fills your mind with lies and doubts
And makes you blind to the truth and love.

He came into this world with a mission and a vision
To end the wars and conflicts that caused so much division
He lived by eight core values that shaped his every action
He was a legend, a hero, a visionary.

She was a beautiful soul of grace
Who waited for his coming with faith
She kept her heart clean as the sky
Hoping to find him in the celestial high.

We envision a world where love prevails
Where we can celebrate our joys with grace and gales
Where we can discover the beauty of nature and culture
And feel the bond of spirit to spirit and pulse to pulse.

We all desire to be happy, but how do we attain?
Is it by chasing money, fame, or worldly gain?
Or is it by finding peace, joy, and love within?

I love the cosmos and humanity
With all my heart and soul, without any vanity
I marvel at the people, the worlds and the stars
Their diversity, their beauty and their potential

She is the light of the moon
that brightens my dark
She is the grace of the lotus
that touches my heart

Amal Jacob Biography

(Here I present you a biographical poetry) ['Maverick philosopher' I am a philosopher with a vision, I craft my stories with precision, I explore the mysteries of the world, And the wonders that are unfurled. I write with passion and flair, I create characters whom we care, I blend science and fiction with ease, And make us think and feel with each release. I am not afraid to tackle big themes, Like race, identity, and dreams, I challenge you to question and reflect, And to see the world from a different perspective. I am a philosopher who: Inspires and delights, shines bright, I am a writer who has a lot to say and makes you want to read more every single day.] [Bio - An Indian writer who has been writing with passion since I was an adolescent. Regrettably, the majority of my work has not been published due to a lack of support and drive. My best writing is yet to come, and I returned to it in 2020. I'm now writing a unique science fiction novel. This story is in the right order thanks to my six years of research. The miracles of the planet that defy scientific explanations are connected to my story. The finest aspect of this story, which involves higher dimensions and aliens (the Anunnaki) , is that it serves as a backstory for the pandemic. building a new cinematic universe and chronology. It's a lengthy story. Try to get published in five volumes.] [My poetry is all about my feelings; someday I'll write about peace and love, and someday I'll think of darkness. My words are nothing but my feelings.] [Instagram - a.j_journal])

The Best Poem Of Amal Jacob

Cosmic Love

I keep your smile close to my heart,
The divine music of love. In a moment,
Our souls unite and my mind whispers: you are mine.

When our souls unite,
They reveal a vision of the end of life,
When our souls assimilate to the cosmic spirit.

The power of our divine love leads us in the cosmos to illuminate a new aura of love.

With the virtuous flame of our love,
We'll forge a golden crown to enthrone cosmic love.

Amal Jacob Comments

Amal Jacob Quotes

Our life is illuminated by good will and purpose, while struggles and pain are only the shadows that pass by. - Amal Jacob

Heaven on earth is possible when we act with faith in humanity and love for God. - Amal Jacob

When all humans learn to be grateful, purposeful, and humane, the world will fit together like a puzzle. - Amal Jacob

Nothing is impossible for those who dare to challenge their limits. Turn your dreams into reality. - Amal Jacob

Instead of regretting, a strong mind gains knowledge and creates success with determination. - Amal Jacob

'Evil forces may conceal the truth, but they cannot annihilate it. Those who pursue the truth earnestly will discover it eventually. To do so, we must renounce our sins and undergo a spiritual rebirth, thus receiving the Holy Spirit.' - Amal Jacob

Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice and harmony. Peace is not the silence of violence, but the voice of reason and compassion. Peace is not the end of struggle, but the beginning of cooperation and collaboration. Peace is not a dream, but a reality that we can create together. - Amal Jacob

You are the light of my life, the song of my soul, and the one who completes me, the one who makes me whole. Our love will fill joy in our hearts, faith in our destiny, and hope in every beat, and it will shine brighter than the stars.' -Amal Jacob

Soulmates are not those who find each other, but those who recognize each other. Soulmates are the ones who share a bond that transcends time and space, and who never give up on each other. Soulmates are the ones who love each other with their whole being, and who make each other feel alive. - Amal Jacob

'Some people may be blinded by lust and settle for less than they deserve, but wise people know how to respect and appreciate the true value of others.'

On the last day of my life, I will not feel any fear because I lived a good life, full of love and cheer. I will forgive everyone who hurts me and myself too. I have no regrets, no grudges, and no bitterness to brew. I will spend my last day with my family and friends, who mean the world to me. I will make beautiful moments with them that last in their memory. I will have my favorite food and my last drink with them, and we toast to our bond. I will share my vision with them of a better and brighter future. I will donate my things to my friends and family to remember me by. I will also donate my organs to give others a chance to live and try. I will love and help humanity till the last day of my breath. - Amal Jacob

Nature's design is sublime, in every sound and sight. Look closely and behold, its beauty never old. - Amal Jacob

Unify your heart and mind with kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. Only pure love and selflessness can reveal the mysteries of divinity. - Amal Jacob

Some people follow their heart, others follow their brain. But no matter what path you choose, don't let go of the joy in life. - Amal Jacob

The journey of a legend begins when he learns to control anger, greed, and lust with wisdom, generosity, and virtue. - Amal Jacob

To end the global chaos, we need less violence and more kindness. Only by empathizing with each other and respecting each other's needs, can we build a world of peace and harmony. - Amal Jacob

'Your eyes concealed the tears that rose from the hardships and sorrows of life. But you did not let them fall, for you were brave and resilient. And in your heart, where the wounds of all those troubles lingered, you found a way to heal and grow. That pain transformed your heart into a source of kindness and your mind into a force of strength.' - Amal Jacob

Life is a test that challenges us with pain and suffering, but also rewards us with wisdom and joy. We can choose how we face this test: with despair or with hope, with resignation or with resilience, with fear or with courage. Those who choose the latter will pass the test and experience the ultimate happiness that awaits them. - Amal Jacob

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, wisdom and peace are sublime. - Amal Jacob

Education is not merely a degree or a dogma. It is the cultivation of our mind to transform our dreams into reality. It is the wisdom of knowing where to seek the information we need. It is the bridge to comprehend everything. - Amal Jacob

Motivation and inspiration are the sparks that ignite the fire of your dreams. Discipline is the fuel that keeps it burning. - Amal Jacob

Our duty to the universe is to preserve the creation and humanity, not to harm or destroy them. This is the essence of dharma, the universal law that guides us to live in harmony with ourselves and others. To align ourselves with dharma, we need to transform our perception and see things as they are. This will enable us to think and act wisely, creating positive changes in our life. A key skill for this transformation is empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Empathy is also the foundation of emotional intelligence, which helps us communicate effectively, manage stress, and overcome challenges. By developing empathy and emotional intelligence, we can achieve true happiness and fulfilment. - Amal Jacob

At the end of the night, a new morning always comes. Your inner beauty is what truly matters, not your height, weight, wealth, or appearance. Be a beautiful soul and live with joy. At the end of life, our bodies will age, but our spirits will shine. - Amal Jacob

No matter how dark the night, the dawn always breaks. What counts is not your outer form, but your inner grace. Be a radiant soul and fill your life with bliss. When time takes its toll, your spirit will still glow. - Amal Jacob

Love is the most precious gift you can give to someone. It is the bond that connects two souls, the spark that ignites their dreams, the light that guides their way. Love is the friendship that never fades, the trust that never breaks, the respect that never wavers. Love is the joy of living, the beauty of being, the essence of everything. - Amal Jacob

'Do good, feel good, and goodness will follow. Be the one who serves the best, and let prosperity follow your lead.' - ©Amal Jacob

I am the sun that shines; you are the moon that glows. - Amal Jacob

'Embrace your inner grace; let your spirit shine, even as time passes.' - ©Amal Jacob

Mask off In the grand play of the world, I have donned many masks, each revealing a facet of humanity. From the depths of vice to the peaks of virtue, my past is a mosaic of lessons learned. I stand today as a scholar of strength and fragility, a chameleon of character, ever-adapting, ever-observing, ever-evolving—the Ultimate Entity. - ©Amal Jacob

Transforming India: A Vision for the Future As a forward-thinking citizen, I envision India emerging as a global powerhouse over the next two decades. To achieve this, we must embark on a transformative journey that encompasses economic, technological, and intellectual advancements. Educational Excellence: The cornerstone of our future lies in nurturing our youth. By revolutionizing our societal values, family structures, and educational systems, we can cultivate a generation of unparalleled excellence. This involves implementing innovative curricula, fostering critical thinking, and encouraging creativity in our public schools. Economic Empowerment through Manufacturing: To become an economic juggernaut, India must expand its manufacturing capabilities. By producing goods domestically, we can cater to the vast Indian market, reducing our reliance on imports and retaining economic sovereignty. This shift will not only bolster our economy but also weaken the grip of dominant foreign markets. Sustainable Energy from Thorium: India's abundant thorium reserves are a golden opportunity to lead the world in clean energy. Developing thorium-based nuclear power plants offers a safer alternative to traditional uranium reactors. Harnessing this resource can provide the substantial electric power necessary to fuel our nation's growth, all while maintaining environmental integrity. These two agendas are merely the beginning. With a multitude of strategies poised to unfold, our collective efforts can propel India to unparalleled heights. I am eager to contribute my utmost to this noble cause, serving my country with unwavering dedication. - ©Amal Jacob

लोका: समस्ता: सुखिनो भवन्तु. *** AGENDA 18 *** Sublime Beautitudo The universe doesn't reward or punish us; it just responds to what we put out there. Our thoughts and feelings can change the energy around us. When we're happy, we attract good things and people who make us happy. If we're sad, we tend to find more sadness and people who bring us down. If we don't learn from our mistakes, we'll keep making them and feeling regret. But if we learn and grow, we can improve our lives. And if someone does something wrong, the guilt can stay with them forever. In short, heaven and hell are really in our minds. What we think and feel can become real. Happiness and peace come from within, not from what's happening around us. There's a saying, " लोका: समस्ता: सुखिनो भवन्तु." 'Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu, ' which means our thoughts, actions, and words can help make the whole universe a happier place. If you want to be happy, just picture a happy world. That vision can make it real for you. If most people thought this way, the whole world would be peaceful and happy. Remember, real happiness isn't about short-term pleasure; it's deeper than that. If you want to know what real happiness is, read my poem 'Sublime Beautitudo.' It talks about the kind of joy that lasts and lives deep inside us. AGENDA 18 All Rights Reserved ©Amal Jacob

'Life is simple; believe in yourself, be humble and grateful.' - Amal Jacob

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