Alyssa Marquardt

Alyssa Marquardt Poems

Determined, Caring, Clumsy
Best Friend of Sarah Corcoran.
Lover of poetry, music and running

The water chills my legs and feet.
But Papa's hand fills my heart with heat.
The waters are scary and swifted,
but Papa's hand keeps me lifted.

I am not perfect.
I am just me.

I smile when I'm sad.

I wish we could all
Agree to disagree.
Accept the things that our hearts can't see.

You are like the glowing moon,
That guides the traveler on it’s way.
You works with the light of day.
And when the sun shines bright on me,


I am helplessly stuck,
stuck in a world of two five year old kids.
One little girl and one little boy
They lived together and shared their toys.

The wind blows away the dust.
Such like it does with lust.
But love is more than the dust that lays,
it is a feeling that forever stays.

It kills me to hear you say
That war is just a foolish game
That men and women dare to play
Well I'd like to see you last one day

It's my way or your way, no in between
Would it be a living hell if we could agree to disagree?
Would it be so bad if everyone had a right to their own belief?
Just tell me this:

I dont want to know.
I dont want to go.
I've heard this story too many times.
I sit and laugh and drink my wine.

I grab the rope and lean back far.
Swinging back and forth slowly
I am the pendulum of my grandfather's clock.
I look around at the scene of my block.

Jogging down an open road
Don’t know where I will go.
Thinking about many things
Ignoring the tears my thoughts bring.

The simple girl with complex thoughts.
Overwhelming her inside.

The girl that chooses insecurity


There's a reason they call it fatalities,
and casualities.
But such a God as Fate would never agree
with the sick abuse of the word casual.

Maybe someday soon
There will be room
In my heart
for a brand new start

Thick white feathers,
Soaring by,
Flying high-
In the clear blue sky.

Light flashes quickly.
Past this pitch black scene.
Another day has passed,
Another night of pure demean.

You make me cry every once in a whille
And it seems as if you hate me
But then you flash that crooked smile
And my heart melts again

the drug that I have found.

You can get it on every street corner.

Alyssa Marquardt Biography

Hi my name Is Alyssa and I am seventeen. I started this page when I was fourteen and a lot of this is old stuff but oh well. I am a junior at Kelseyville High School, trying to focus on school and figuring out my future. I want to attend Chico State and later on down the road when I have the money I'd like to get my MFA in Writing somewhere. My biggest dream is to become a novelist and I am already on the road. My biggest fear is that I won't accomplish this dream and won't have a succesful career. But I have faith in things. In school I am very passionate about Yearbook and Interact. I am Co-Editor-In-Chief of the Yearbook staff and President of the Interact club next year. These two things exemplify my soul desires to help people and be creative. <3)

The Best Poem Of Alyssa Marquardt

My 'Bio Poem'

Determined, Caring, Clumsy
Best Friend of Sarah Corcoran.
Lover of poetry, music and running
Who feels scared, hopeful and thrilled.
Who needs family, friends and love.
Who gives her whole mind, heart and energy.
Who would like to see herself with confidence.
Resident of the awful, tragical, exciting, magical world.

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