Zachary Jessell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
You Opened My Eyes

It was all the same
Every step, every turn
Every thing was the same
Everyone the same

If I Ever.

If I ever
need love i find it in you.
If I never
find love will i ever find you?


As I stand there, in the middle of the pitch waiting for the whistle, everything cleared form my mind. Wanting to hit someone, slightly crazy, not caring what happens to my body for I feel no pain, the thought of fear never existing.

As the whistle blows I rush down the pitch hitting the first man I see. “Ruck over Ruck Over” I yell. Like a mad man I run and tackle, not caring about the man on the other team only about the victory.


I always wonder, never really knowing,
Questioning everything
Myself, Others
I wonder, what is the truth

My Home

A place
Not just any place
My place
A house

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