William Wordsworth Poems

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The Prelude, Book 1: Childhood And School-Time

--Was it for this
That one, the fairest of all Rivers, lov'd
To blend his murmurs with my Nurse's song,
And from his alder shades and rocky falls,

To The Cuckoo

O BLITHE New-comer! I have heard,
I hear thee and rejoice.
O Cuckoo! Shall I call thee Bird,
Or but a wandering Voice?

The Waterfall And The Eglantine

'Begone, thou fond presumptuous Elf,'
Exclaimed an angry Voice,
'Nor dare to thrust thy foolish self
Between me and my choice!'

Composed In The Valley Near Dover, On The Day Of Landing

HERE, on our native soil, we breathe once more.
The cock that crows, the smoke that curls, that sound

Inscriptions For A Seat In The Groves Of Coleorton

BENEATH yon eastern ridge, the craggy bound,
Rugged and high, of Charnwood's forest ground
Stand yet, but, Stranger! hidden from thy view,

Book First [introduction-Childhood And School Time]

OH there is blessing in this gentle breeze,
A visitant that while it fans my cheek
Doth seem half-conscious of the joy it brings


Yet are they here the same unbroken knot
Of human Beings, in the self-same spot!
Men, women, children, yea the frame
Of the whole spectacle the same!

September 1, 1802

WE had a female Passenger who came
From Calais with us, spotless in array,--
A white-robed Negro, like a lady gay,

The Sonnet I

NUNS fret not at their convent's narrow room,
   And hermits are contented with their cells,
   And students with their pensive citadels;
Maids at the wheel, the weaver at his loom,

Written In Very Early Youth

CALM is all nature as a resting wheel.
The kine are couched upon the dewy grass;
The horse alone, seen dimly as I pass,

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