Vidya Pandarinath

Vidya Pandarinath Poems

Man is perhaps , on Nature,
The worst parasite - fast and hard
Selfish, and a paradox of values barred
Loud and Cunning in every nomenclature

Acquiring Knowledge is like relishing oneself beneath arms of GOD
HE takes you to the path of regeneration

Spring morning sunshine, cool breeze blowing through my hair
Blue sky high up, chirping birds, dancing clouds, oh..portrayed with the gloss;
Golden light walks along the path, aroma of fresh thoughts,
Feeling Mother Nature's Love, brought a smile to my face, I swear..!

Clay finds its desired form
And use on a potter- wheel noddle,
Lustre metals are molten
Cast, moulded and beaten

A soft, smooth breeze can make,
A right streamlined flame dance,
In silent, fancied tunes, and rake
All-around quiet objects to prance ,

The sprouting little seed found free
Grows into a huge, gigantic tree
Across and around its own domain
Feeling and making others feel or gain

It rained and rained and rained
Heavily in pursuit setting purity
With ablution, serenity and quietude- -
As though there was a real wash;


They dug hard and deep
Down the grabbed ground plot
To raise a selfish structure -project;
Source and resource all set

GOD, First through skies
And then through the starry ken
Widening his Lovely Shape;
Yet he through all ways grew

A calm, and Disciplinedmind
Is perhapssecondonly to God;
It is housed ina Divine pod -
Ready, with seeds of noble kind,

You are the Sunshine
I want to follow.. as your Mine

The dry and arid ambience
Had become husky,
Sweaty and irksome!
Herbs, blades of grass

What is the End of Being..?
Where each second is struggle to be Well-being
Leading only a abbreviated Spell
None can Tell...!

Neither the creatures, in heavy huge form
Nor the Elemental havocs of Fire, water or windy storm
Could so much mark the panicky horrors of Death;
Invisible as they are, a morbid, chill choking breath

Wheels, engines, wings and the rocket

Have dragged Life across Time and Space

Green oval shaped leaves, no herb in earth like this! '
Earthly embodiment of divinity
Nature's best gift to humanity
Versatile herb, spiritual, therapeutic. Oh..eternal bliss,

Perhaps animals get baffled at glasses large,
Seeing their own teasing reflections in them;
But man the cleverer creature, can forge
All things making the exact models to stem

Full Moon in the deep dark sky;
Smilling, shinning, outshining the star's;
Very close to me.. Yet so high;
Beautiful great Nature, that is ours;

Vidya Pandarinath Biography

Vidya Pandarinath, female, Qualified in Computer Science, Master of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, , Bachelor of Laws.. LL.B, Post-Graduate Diploma in Software Development- PGDSD, ..., A Lawyer by profession, resident of Mysore (Mysuru) city, Karnataka state, India. Poet 's contact e-mail: Interested in watching Nature and the intricate problems of Life in general.)

The Best Poem Of Vidya Pandarinath

Man And Nature

Man is perhaps , on Nature,
The worst parasite - fast and hard
Selfish, and a paradox of values barred
Loud and Cunning in every nomenclature

His links and kin, all alike
Varying in degree: tints of colour
Choosing the wrong for the right valour
Picking the evil and fatal to strike

Feelings are but funny and fake,
Knowledge in a bucket from the Cosmic well
Stories and admonitions, only to tell
For gains, ever - ready to strike

Laws and rules here do vary,
Unlike as in Nature, with Person and Pelf
All based on gain for self !
Even the innocent rocks are sliced off the quarry.

Vidya Pandarinath Comments

Vidya Pandarinath Quotes

Living Life is Paradigm, Living it the way you want is Polymath..!

Truth is knowledge, knowledge is Divinity, the utmost path of self-confidence, self-aggrandizement ; Really a Lifetime asset, None can steal , our self-worth and self-reliance.

Luck is not defined..its Only Our Moment to Moment Perceptions..for achieving our desires..!

Friendship is a bond of solidarity Without any ego and Predicament

' Friendship is the bond of Endurance Furnished by trust and benevolence Embellished with strength, integrity and confidence Enlightening our life with Faith, Love and Reason '

Trust is earned with time Lost with fake, shady and grime

Stress, Hurt or Heartbroken Mother Nature is the True Healer

Yellow Yellow Flowers in every direction Sight so Golden and serene , full of Mother Nature's Affection

Smile Smile.. it' s a Lovely Day Miles of Happiness is on Your Way

Where there's Honesty Their Exists Self-Confidence and Resilience

Love is a Supposition, With no intention, motive nor Logic.

The answer to fear is Time As time succeeds..the fear Vanishes..!

Connect with Mother Nature.. It will enrich you..!

You need to follow the Law.. Else Law will follow you for lifelong..!

The one word that defines my love for you is oneself...!

Poetry starts with thoughts of imagination and concludes with philosophy

When you don't feel for it.. don't go for it.. Just follow your inner instinct

Smile like the blooming flowers irrespective of the eventualities

Sound of the rain. the rhythm of hope, peace and happiness... the essence of inspiration and pure love

Serenity most precious state of mind

Path leads to New Thoughts of Zeal

Listen to your heart but follow the direction of your mind..!

The Moment you connect with Nature.. you understand the aptitude, attitude and the depth of magnitude with lots of gratitude towards Life..!

Enjoy the environment you breathe.. feel thankful it's absolutely free and unconditional

At every branch there exists... the essence of hope..just you need to reach out to it... just grab it..

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