venkata lakshmi narasimharao

venkata lakshmi narasimharao Poems

She was extremely merciful
Full of riches and blissful
She was our pious Goddess
Nobody could describe her greatness or prowess

Oh! Rama you are the most virtuous
You are the eldest son of king Dasaratha’s
You always stood by your word
You are the greatest man in the world

If you praise me too much
I will suspect you
If you criticize me constructively
I will respect you

You can not become great by hurting the noble
Nor can you become strong by oppressing
The weak and the meek
My humility is not my weakness

TODAY in India education becomes a fundamental right

It may make the dropp out surely delight


Innumerable beautiful things in nature to behold
Many delightful stories have been told

The dearest daughter of Mother India

You are the queen of inimitable stature
None can describe your real feature

English is the king of all the languages
It will stay for all ages
The English conquered the whole world
English has become our watch word

Lord Vinayaka is called the god of hurdles
Unless we worship him he creates problems
Today the Hindus perform puja to him with devotion

You are an imperialist
He is a terrorist
You promote cold war
And declare unilaterally real war

The daughters of India are migrating birds
As brides, they fly with the bride grooms
To far off places of different weathers
And come back to their homes in only festive seasons


The crow and the cuckoo look alike
Even the cuckoos are hatched by the crow

A cuckoo melodiously sang
For many years long
In anticipation of her dear king
The most beautiful seasonal spring

I was born as a chaste Hindu
And hated its watertight caste system
The rigid ritualistic custom
I became a cosmopolitan Christian

The clouds can’t stop the glory of the rising sun
Nor can the earth hide the shining moon
If you want to throw up clay or mud
It will surely fall on your head

A tiny stone creates
a lot of ripples
on calm waters
as a word of spate

No great poet can write for the sake of writing
He needs to scribble with the real feeling
Lest his writing should be devoid of meaning
Real poetry is the heart’s incessant pouring

A poet is quite an ordinary human being
Whatever he writes may not be a great saying
You may read it for the time being
And even question the timing but enjoy its rhyming

When the night falls
A divine woman lights
Millions and millions of lamps
In her big blue house

After the incessant rain
Comes the glorious sunshine
A day’s depressing gloom
Is relieved by a blossoming bloom

venkata lakshmi narasimharao Biography

I am an english teacher, trainer, poet and resource person in english.I have been blogging for British council for an year.More than 40 poems of mine are publish on the world last under christian poems.I have come back to my motherly site from PF Which is more political than poetical)

The Best Poem Of venkata lakshmi narasimharao

A Half Naked Fakir

She was extremely merciful
Full of riches and blissful
She was our pious Goddess
Nobody could describe her greatness or prowess

The handsome demons descended from the west
Her happiness was totally lost
They chained her with iron clutches
Some warriors tried to save her in patches

A half naked fakir came to her premises
Consoled her fears and wiped out her tears
And promised to freed her in a few years
The demons laughed at his loin clothes

The fakir united the intellectual and the ignorant
He was undoubtedly a great savant
And he a led a holy and peaceful fight
The demons knew his spiritual might

The Goddess became free
And danced with a gleeful spree
Called the fakir her dear father
Unfortunately lost him in a year

on 2nd October we celebrate his birth day
He made our lives very gay
His debt even the Goddess will repay
He showed the nation the right way

venkata lakshmi narasimharao Comments

Narayanan Ramakrishnan 27 December 2010

The half naked fakir proved tobe the nadir for British rule in India. Good. Pen more. Narayanan Ramakrishnan

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