Valsa George Poems

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Retracing My Footsteps

I want to go back to my past
When tame pigeons of joy nested on my eaves
And I could hear their crooning
With the sweetness of love outpouring

A Lament

I know, I grow old….. I grow old
When silver threads peek in my head.
The flush on radiant cheeks wanes,
And a pallid tint creeps unseen.

Children- Bubbles Of Wonder

Hearing squeals of laughter outside
I looked out...
Saw tiny feet running down the pavement
‘Wow.... See the flower in the air'

A Journey To Bethlehem

On a bleak and frosty night
Vexed and weary two travellers rode
Along the pathways-craggy and ragged
From Nazareth, trudging miles on end

The Wind

I hear the whispering of a wind from the hills
It comes down tickling the woodland rills
From far is heard the frightened murmur of leaves
As the wind pounces on them like wayside thieves

Prenatal Pangs

Writing of a poem
Oh! How it can be likened
To having a baby!

With the copulation of fancy and thought,

Limerick.- Face Lift

After coloring my head with dye
I leave my damp hair open to dry
Thus my age, I conceal.
Careful not to reveal,

The Dirge Of A River

My eyes were hooked on to the West
Feasting on the riot of colors the sun had cast
I stood dazed at a sight so blest
That any poet would treasure with zest

Will The Door Be Opened Once More?

She sits by the window motionless
Looking at the sky getting darker
Inside her a sea swells, tides of memories
Beat her heart, the only keepsake she has

A Cry From Within

A captive to stark loneliness
He had only dark shadows for company
Wandering aimless from place to place
with the burden of years on his back

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