Undureckin Schbaughts

Undureckin Schbaughts Poems

In thine words I once found comfort

In thine arms I once found contentment

It is hard to be silent when I'm this much in love with you

I am jealous over a girl that makes you happy

Some others simply fade
Somethings tend to last

Live life as if you knew tomorrow was not to come.

Live life as a gift rather than an obligation.

A mother and child went to the pool, 'Summer is here! ', cried the kid. After a full day at the pool the two went home. The child was upset and tired. And asked his mom. 'It was cloudy today why did I get sun burnt? The clouds rolled in and blocked the sun but some how I still got sun burnt. I thought the clouds protected me? Mommy I want the pain to go away! '

The mom looked at her young child and answered coolly, 'Sweet heart the clouds might look like they are blocking the sun. But the sun is very strong and can go through the clouds with out you knowing. You have to put sun block on, or you will get burnt. That's what happened. The only way for the burn to go away is through time. You just have to be patient.'

True or false
a question
with a straight answer

Life may be hard at times

No one said it was gonna be easy

Love is rare but very special

once love is found no other feeling compares
once you are in the arms of the one you care about

Undureckin Schbaughts Biography

Though I am only 17, my heart has words to share, I believe to be very beneficial to all who read them. I believe poetry is best written from the heart rather than the head. When written from the heart the words are like the water from a spring, cold, fresh and, clear. Unscathed by the blemishes of the fallacious mind. Untarnished by the thoughts of reason and rational thinking. For poetry is meant to stir up emotion not settle them. Poetry must be bold, willing to be truthful no matter the out come. Poetry is an expression of one's true feelings not the lies that reason has to offer, in pursuit of maintaining the composed appearance of reality when the factual reality is cold and harsh with ups and downs, turns and swerves and on occasion circles, but rather the feelings beneath the cover of reason. That is what poetry is. I am a woman who appreciates good words from the heart. I love people and love life.)

The Best Poem Of Undureckin Schbaughts

Comfort Gone With The Wind

In thine words I once found comfort

In thine arms I once found contentment

In thine mind I once lived

In thine heart I once took hold

Now in my place she walks

Walks with vigor fueled by shallow feelings

Incomparable to my own

You have always been on the forefront of my heart soul and mind, then now and forever, and I am hoping I might be on yours before I am through

Through this agony of accepting the new sets of circumstances between us

Through the agony of learning to be happy again

Knowing I am not the reason for your smile that lights up even the darkest of caves

Greed, Jealousy, Pain, Love

Four things with have brought me to ruin before your very eyes

I am not looking for pity

I am not looking for you to feel guilty

I am looking for you to be happy

I love you, therefore I must let you go

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