Tulsi Shrestha

Tulsi Shrestha Poems

Oh mother nature! I want to announce you
As benevolent 'Creator of my own existence '
Hence I wish to harmonise my each steps

Beauty lies In heart of beholder
Unless and until beats of your heart mingle
With that of thing that you are observing
You can't confirm its eloquence beauty.

Revive your Inner Child
To detoxify Your Heart
As long as greed and
Hatred dwell inside you,


Believe me! I lost entity of my own shadow
When I followed shadows of so - called greats.

I have to carry a dictionary with me
Along with a book of philosophy too.
Post graduation is not enough

Deaf And Blind In Love
When I drown in your love
I turned deaf and blind
And have lost sensitivity of

Almighty underestimated His Power
Whereas His subjects overestimated
Their power and ability.
Whenever Almighty perceived

Little Angel, a pretty rose
A new vision, a new future
Light of eyes, beats of heart

Clouds entwine with each other
So to enforce rainfall to the earth
Colourful rainbow across the sky

When days of death are revolving around the world,
Intend to nurture their egos even in time of disaster.
Listen dear, neither paper reward nor paper money
You are allowed to carry along with you in heaven.

Revive Sensitivity And Creativity
If sensitivity and creativity
Reside inside you
As seeds of consciousness,

I chased to fetch you
Just to inhale purfume of
Your exhaled sweet breath

A man dies several times a day
Still claims alive, to die for next day.
He talks about immortality
When morality paves its way.

Beauty Never Lasts Forever
Nothing in the world is forever.
Witness life span of flower
To feel how life fades forever is.

Your Silence Makes Me Cry
Without you, in amidst of crowd, I am alone
My last breath, waiting to pay back your loan.
Never expect me to survive without you

The sequnce Of Sound Of Your Footsteps
Creates melody inside my heart beats
Gentle smile of yours, followed by
Blinking of your fickle eyes

Artistic Display Of Inner Feelings
Germinated from seed of imagination
Projected in screen of Art and Literature.
Your vision along with ability to feel

Reservoir of your vanity
Explodes with a stream of anger
Flows like flood, destroying everything
In its chaotic unplanned way,

Indeed, you are rainbow of my life
You are vision of my own eye - sight
You are true destination of my flight

The philosophy
Of wild life revolves around
Killing and to be......killed.

The Best Poem Of Tulsi Shrestha

Dancing With Nature

Oh mother nature! I want to announce you
As benevolent 'Creator of my own existence '
Hence I wish to harmonise my each steps
With melodic flow of your infinite beauty.

I prefer to captivate beams of golden dawn
To ensure a new hope of meaningful life.
Watch how does white cloud greet the Sun
With cold shade of her lovely affection.

Blue sky paints herself with crimson- sight
Rainbow manages garland for his bride.
Butterflies carry the message of love
Humming bees prepare nectar for all of us.

I want to compose music for nightingale's song
I like to accompany my steps with peacock - dance.
Let feel and touch each parts and contents of nature
Emancipate you from self, to feel free like breeze.

Wandering with beloved, deep inside green woods
Where old oak tree stretches its branches
To welcome us, beneath her cold -shade
Beside weedy lake and charming water -fall.

Listening melodic flow of brooks and rivers
Is enough to refresh stressed mind and soul.
Whisper of breeze with green leaves of trees
Delight you with spirit of passionate love.

Watch clasping of sea wave with its shore
Strip all layers of your illusive masks.
Let us dance with movement of waves
To perceive the naked truth of the world.

Tulsi Shrestha Comments

James Mclain 16 October 2019

Excellent at his craft in composing his poetry. James McLain 🎸

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Prabir Gayen 27 March 2019

Very talented poet. God bless you.

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ayabulela ayabulela 01 September 2017

nyc poems

0 0 Reply

Tulsi Shrestha Quotes

Words are musical instruments for me to sing songs of my heart. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright.

The person whom you love most, will insult and hurt you most, if his material -expectations from you, are not fulfilled. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

The self imposed limits and the state of mind in which a person always doubts about his self-worth, might turn as causes of his failure. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

The moment you dare to speak truth, the existing definition of truth might reverse. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

The emotional silence of your beloved speaks louder than a thousand words, when it retains ability to make you feel your guilty. By Tulsi Shrestha

Be aware of human being who creates Truth for his own benefits. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

We must be conscious of who we are rather than what we ought to be. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Eye alone is not enough, you need light for vision of sight. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

We need to inhale hope of breath and exhale fear and ego in each moment of our breath. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Everyone talks about victory over ego for Enlightenment; but I think one must get rid of fear first, for it. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Your joy is associated with satisfaction and contentment whereas your grief is associated with the fear of losing something that you have already achieved. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

No temptation for name and fame, I write just to keep my soul and my conscience alive. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

No temptation for name and fame, I write just to keep my soul and my conscience alive. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Although death is ultimate destination of life, human starts struggle with death from his birth. We all are here, to conclude reluctantly death as conclusion of life. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Joy is destination of life, wished to achieve either through spirituality or sensuality. While a few feel it through grief of others. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

You aren't page of my life, still you are content of my poem. I define you as a source of eternity within me, breath for a life. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

My heart has no space for malice, hence it retains power to transform someone's hatred into love and compassion for me. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Flame of jealousy without any creative ability, is much more destructive than alive volcano as it ruins not others but yourself. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

The relationship of gain is much more powerful than that of blood relationship as it nourishes ego and selfishness inside you. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

The expression might be same, but the way you present, makes it different and unique. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

The perception of joy, after losing game intentionally with one whom you love most, is always unfathomable. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Love makes your life worths for living. 'Let us search meaning of Life inside Love ' By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

'A soul inside me always struggles for its identity ' By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Be aware of two types of people, one who takes benefits from your trust and another who takes benefits from your weakness. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

The day is not far, when You might have to pay for the air that you breathe. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Everyone enjoys fragrance of flowers, but nobody thinks of a man who devoted and dedicated his entire life in nourishing flowers. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Award ensures responsiblity, excellence and vanity. One needs to carry former two along with and leave last one for new generation. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

It is worthless to expect anything from a person who doesn't feel any responsibility towards his family and society. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

A person must be capable to satisfy needs and selfish motives of his friends and relatives, otherwise relation can't be renewed. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

The behaviour of a person is not governed by knowledge he gains but by attitude he holds. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

We aren't assured of things around us but believe in the existence that we have never seen. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

We shamelessly pollute water and air, vital forces of life just to gain or save a penny but pay highest price for stone & metal like gem and gold. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

A man is called expert when he retains ability to cash emotion of others for his own benefits. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Ego inside me searching vanity to feed.Hence I enamoured myself with Paper Crown. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

We must be bold enough to accept the reverse truth.The controversies, contradictions and conflicts are realities of life. Those who know the art of harmonizing them, win the race of life while rest of others lose the dignity of life. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

I don't have faith over fate as it always deceived me when I really need it By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Giving more emphasis to event and turning blind eyes to cause which enforced miserable events to occur, we invite complications. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Freedom can't be perceived without breaking mental boundary created by yourself. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

I adore greatness of the Sky as his height doesn't inhibit him to bow down and kiss the Earth. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

If sensitivity and creativity reside within you as seeds of consciousness, no power of the world can disqualify and inhibit you to germinate and transform into a meaningful life. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Nothing is inside you.Whatever you gain is reward for your interaction with society to which you belong. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

To what extent, bias is She who booked word like Beautiful solely for herself and inhibited male for himself. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Your awareness in respect of humanity, equality, justice and peace help you to understand nature of truth. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Life is a matrix of joy and pain. Be careful, she might leave only pain, carrying joy with her. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Not wise to gain ability to distinguish between sycophancy and appreciation, otherwise you may feel quite alone in this world. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Ego is like a forbidden fruit, everyone talks to avoid it but in reality feels proud to consume it. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Tears of my eyes transformed into ink to compose the saddest song for your betrayal. ByTulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

Behind every smiling face, there is unbearable pain and grief that he can't express to anyone else. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

I needn't have to enjoy any happiness that turns the cause of someone's pain. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

A person who has been deceiving others through out his whole life, will realise he is deceiving no other than himself at the time of his last breath. By Tulsi Shrestha @copyright reserved

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