Hit Title Date Added
The Moor

You cannot touch my hand, nor my soul.
You cannot........because you will not.
You cannot touch my soul-it is a world alone,
that dwells not in stone.

A Rose Color-Red

The chains, the early grave, the holy light of day.
Once sacred, once fed.....the sins of the father,
the lie sung by the troubadour's cry, the peasant
in the field-in strife with season's toil to abide,

Shadow (In The Silent Hour)

Shadow, in this silent hour-my soul in the field of dying flowers.
Seeking someones hand-vultures in the sky, this is the dying land,
this is where I stand.

Everything Is Now............

City Of Love

An Ode To Solitude

Rock 'N' Roll Rebel (A Short Ballad)

Don't listen to your neighbors,
crank up the music,
open all the windows;
who cares if they

Punk Rock


A soft white flower in the morn, covered by dew, sunlight wept upon it. Such a metaphor.....many a times I've passed....passing through this door, yes I've loved....loved before, captured by the racing heart, armour pierced by the light of love: so sharp. Loving again, lost in the valley, the palace afar, in the dark, looking like a crown, embroidered with stars, surrounded by a chorus of fireflies twitching with a spark.  Yes....I have loved before, and before that. Nothing left, but scars from the past, my soul calloused, in a world gone black, no light to last the long hours of solitude, cut by the thorns that cut through, must love always say: adieu. And when I see you I see but a dream, a dream of unity, of both you and I, embraced, one soul, one heart, one mind. Though you are not mine, I wish you were mine, in my arms, fevered by your kiss and fevered by your eyes, by the warmth of your breath, for you are composed in my heart, in a verse I write, in the violin of sonnets, of passion reborn, of life reborn, an ode to joy reborn, a rainbow casts its shine, with many colors worn.
In the violin of sonnets, of passion reborn,
the song of my heart, the heaven's light
adorn.....your beauty, a shooting star

Let Me Write.....

Let me write a poem about oblivion.
Let me write a poem of lust, debauchery,
and straying from the herd.
Let me write a poem about courtship,

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