tear stricken face

tear stricken face Poems

There are times when we have to loose
often times we have to choose.
Whatever choice it maybe
we always have consequences now I see.


Those flickering eyes, full of hate
those little wisphers of curse
to let that person fall
grudge and bickering I have it all.

What is a Friend?
Some one to offer hanky when teardrops fall
Someone to shout at you when you don't think at all.
I wasn't so blest to have friends

There are times when you have to hide things,
hide your feelings, so with perishing.
People need not know how sad you've became
you just have to smile, like a photo in a frame.

I used to think who it feels to become a mom.
I bet, it is either good or fun.
To play with kids, to tickle them sometimes,
I used to think like that, several times.


Clattered dishes, swarming flies,
unwashed clothes, left hung to dry.
Casseroles with accumulated filt,
garbages never thrown to a pit.

tear stricken face Biography

'Poem is a leeway for us to express our thoughts. The medium for us to connect with people in a deeper realm of understanding. If poems are to die out, I would be the most melancholic person, this world would have. ^_^' I do believe that there is no such thing as FAILURE... SUCCESS is just deferred. ~tear stricken face~)

The Best Poem Of tear stricken face

Struggles Of Love

There are times when we have to loose
often times we have to choose.
Whatever choice it maybe
we always have consequences now I see.

I had once chosen to love someone,
for my family he wasn't the man
I got rediculed and casted out by my family
I had to endure 'coz they didn't understand me.

It is so hard to fight for love,
You have to struggle and rely on faith
that someday, somewhere, in any day
Acceptance will be coming my way.

Please let it be.
Let me be.
Give chance is my plea,
I hope, Venus goddess of love... hears me.

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