Stanley Oguh Poems

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Love So Pure

its sweet like the nectar of the garden flower,
its soothing like the buzzing of a bumble bee,
its warm like the rays of the morning sun,
its the search of a love so pure which keeps me on the run.

No Moment

No moment that passes leaves my being without a touch of you wrapped inside,
you see, your love, your essences is so very much a part of me,
my world, my heart, my every thought that each moment,
I inhabit in this realm of existence has YOU written all over it, No moment goes. untouched by your existence in my world,


Pain doesn't have one meaning,
It has many synonyms
And each one of them different from the other.

The Taste Of Love

She has it all in her
Even as I can see her from afar
Heavenly beauty and uncommon grace
That puts a smile on my face


At times our lives are set to change
Through no fault of our own range,
A change you know will break your heart
And keeps it pieces miles apart.

The Lost World

An eyes abated with tears
More than what the heart can bears
A soul dashed in the darkest shadow
Leaving no hope of α better tomorrow

If Love Had A Life

If comfort had a sound
it'd be that of your voice

If peace had a scent

The Journey Beyond

Just in a twinkle of an eye
A shining star goes off the sky
Before liniment could get to the aching sore
The transition is made through the exit door

Little Angels

They are one of God's greatest blessing
So precious and caressing
They are the beauty of God's creation
For their birth means a lot to human evolution

Away And Beyond

Lets look at life in it real magnification
Everything that comes in and out of it is a result of evolution
That defines our existence in the right projection
With every moment of it leading us towards a direction

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