Nothing Poem by Guarded Heart


Rating: 5.0

If nothing is right, what can go wrong?

Calm is all we want
Love is all we sought
Nothing is what we got

Now it seems time
To surrender all that is ours
But nothing went wrong
It went as fate planned

Nothing is the only response
To the questions that are asked
It seems an easy way to blow the whole thing off

If “nothing” happened, then we’re responsible for nothing
If “nothing” is said, then we can be held accountable for nothing
If we want nothing, we can be denied nothing

We will never know if something is missing
If something is nothing
Nothing is ever important if it isn’t something

Nothing is a pointless word
In a rather meaningful world
But if “nothing” is satisfying, then it’s all we need
Nothing is all we see, nothing is what it takes to please

The Sleeper 04 May 2006

If everything is nothing, then we have nothing to worry about nothing is over satisfying nor under..... and yet nothing says nothing but indubidibly means something. something nothing nothing something, snoething.

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Geoff Warden 04 May 2006

nothing about this poem speaks louder than something 10 nothings

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***** ********* 04 May 2006

Ahh but GH, I was taught that if we have nothing, then surely we have something, because nothing is. An interesting perspective of holding nothing back. 10 nothings from Tai

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