Snow Queen

Snow Queen Poems



Doldrums is the atmosphere




How do you feel?


“C’mon my kids
Let’s think over it


When the difficulties strangle us
And our mind is besieged in dilemmas

Snow Queen Biography

Assalam u alaikum! this is snow queen. I am 13 year old student of army public school. Belong to the ARS, a group of me and my friends at school. Except this I am also a member of RAJMHS.And above of all I am Muslim. I am a patriotic citizen of my beloved country Pakistan, and my national language is Urdu. Well this is all but to make myself rich with vocabulary I have joined this site. And I hope that I do well but of course I will also write some bad ones because there is a quote, 'A man cannot write some good ones books until he has written some bad ones' So, inshallah I will improve day by day. Best of luck to ALL OF YOU AND ALSO ME 'COURSE! ! ! SADIA ISMAIL!)

The Best Poem Of Snow Queen



Doldrums is the atmosphere
Heavy is the heart
Mind is encumbered
Sight is bleak
Is this life?
Or a dead end
I often ask myself
When I’m smitten
But one day I asked it in a different way
Why the others are so happy
So courageous
So gaudy?
And as I lingered more
I found an answer
That’s only because
I feel defeated
And doesn’t hope for more
While they are always hopeful
And try again and again
That was the moment when I concluded it all
To keep a lamp burning
We have to keep putting oil in it! ! !

hey if you want to read more of me then visit me at by the name of snow queen

Snow Queen Comments

Samanta Stabulniece 02 April 2012

is was very good poem and i lovet thenx: D

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