Rudolf Horne

Rudolf Horne Poems

A poem is no more than the sum
Of its parts.
Words and letters, strokes that are dumb,
Different hearts.

It is overcast and blue,
The man in the cafe'
Has lost his shadow
And he can't see me

You are not gone, not from this world,
Not from a body that was yours some thirty years.

You are not here, not in this empty bedroom,

I paid for your friendship,
Paid you to listen to me.
You taught me how to play
And enjoyed it for free.

Rudolf Horne Biography

My name is not, of course, Rudolf Horne, but otherwise all of this is true.)

The Best Poem Of Rudolf Horne

Different Hearts

A poem is no more than the sum
Of its parts.
Words and letters, strokes that are dumb,
Different hearts.
And you may see more in here than I myself
Or you may choose to close your ear,
Turn from the shelf.
No writer leaves any stone unturned
In his mind
But only some of it has he truly learned;
Some is left behind.
There is a writer for you somewhere,
I could be him -
Or spoil it with something beyond your care,
A different heart, a synonym.


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