RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Childish Joy

Standing in a sandstorm, squinting into the haze,
trying to see through it to the other side.
Suddenly rain pouring down, settling all the dust
on the ground where it belongs.

Heights Of Imagination

Closing my eyes, sinking into depths of music as I
listen to it intently.
Feeling surges of joy lift me spiritually into
heights of imagination where I desire to stay.

Continuing Iluminated Journey

Falling asleep in a land of make-believe,
dwelling here inside imagination.
Traveling down roads, creating episodes
of tomorrow so I may continue my journey

Iluminated Journey

Falling asleep in a land of make-believe,
dwelling here inside imagination.
Traveling down roads, creating episodes
of tomorrow so I may continue my journey

Blooms Of Ocotillos

Interior sight is watching as I awaken to a new day in life.
Coasting along, letting nature take me by the mind, sliding
by awesome blooms of ocotillos.
Generating a succession of thoughts, filled with orange

Hope Stills Doubts

Spreading spiritual wings,
moving into their sphere of faith,
allowing myself to flow into springs of life.
Taking my hand, hope stills all doubts, giving

Standing On The Porch

Writing from memories of peace,
feeling safe and secure in my inner sanctum.

Living and loving on edges of life, making

Watching Thoughts

Jostling thinking, wanting to find more to life than just what it is.
Possibilities swarm into view, wanting to be chosen first.
Laughing at the tumultuous fervor all of them are showing.
Setting everything aside, being happy just to write what I'm seeing,

Inner Horizons

Systematically taking thoughts and arranging them
where they will make the most sense while creating
a priority of helping others will be best.

Contact With Imagination

Walking down primrose paths towards an interior life that's
unimaginable usually, but I can see it all so clearly.

Wonderful splendor blooming everywhere I look.

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