Rosalie P..

Rosalie P.. Poems

They talk
and I smile
fake it
as I choke back tears

my whole life is
down around me
and its getting hareder to see

I think of you
all the time
you are never far
off my mind

The Best Poem Of Rosalie P..

One Less Person

They talk
and I smile
fake it
as I choke back tears

They are too blind to see
my hurt
my pain
all they see is themselves

Oblivious to my presence
I feel as if I am
no one

I am unimportant
just another girl
never good enough
no matter what

Can they not realize
their cold remarks
more than i could ever hurt myself?

That these scars on my arms are
compared to what they do to me

That them blocking me out
is slowly
breaking me
killing me

So why not end it now?
why wait?
for them to eventually
get round to it

Why cause myself more
than I am worth
I am worth nothing

And after I am
maybe then people will

Maybe then they'll realize
how they
without knowing

But then again
they won't
they'll be glad
one less person to notice

One less person to pretend to love...

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