Ronell Warren Alman Poems

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Always Find Your Inner Strength

Always find your inner strength
In order to push on through
Do not let obstruction
Stop you from what you need to do

Always Continue To Try

Always continue to try
There is hope in everything
Do not ever give in
Press forward and do your thing

The Teachers Are There

The teachers are there
In order for the students to learn
The kids will be the leaders of tomorrow
Knowledge is there so they can earn

Keep Your Eyes

Keep your eyes
On your dream
No matter how hard
The battle may seem

Girl, That Pretty Face

Girl, that pretty face
That loving smile
Your inner beauty
Really drives me wild

Strive For Excellence In Everything That You Do

We all should strive for excellence
That my friends, I will tell you
Never try to be perfect in this world
Your heart will be torn in two

Always Believe In Yourself

Always believe in yourself
It is time to make your world shine
Think grand thoughts
And keep everything in line

I Am A Winner

I am a winner
Because I kept my eyes on the prize
Success is going to be mine
And that is no surprise

Girl, That Gorgeous Smile

Girl, that gorgeous smile
Shines so bright
It is very radiant
It can light up the nightly skies

You Say It Is Your Dream

You say it is your dream
How could this be?
Selling yourself for money
Is not a sight for a person to see

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