Ronell Warren Alman Poems

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Make Those Adjustments

Make those adjustments
To improve your skill
Reach for the sky
Have that strong will

Girl, Beautiful You Are

Girl, beautiful you are
Always in my eyes
Along with a wonderful personality
And a smile bright as the sunshine

Action And Determination

Action and determination
Will get you places
You have the power
In order to make your cases

Always Work For It

Always work for it
Go through the grind
Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations
There are many good things to find

If Strength Comes From Within

If strength comes from within
Then take the world by storm
Reach for greater heights
Always be on the horn

It Is All About Education

Grab education
Be the best in your nation
You have it in you
Receive your commendation

Prolific As Can Be

Prolific as can be
Always the one to write
Positive thoughts come to the mind
As day turns into night

A Nuance

A nuance
A shade of meaning
We open our minds
In order to get a feeling

She Is Tough On The Students

She is tough on the students
Because, she wants them to do well
Be willing to edify your brain
In order to excel

This Is Totally Pointless

What is the point?
Girl, haven't you seen enough?
Nothing but lies and manipulation
Why does it have to be so rough?

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