Roger Bewman

Roger Bewman Poems

20 women lookin’ at him
they didn’t realise he was drinkin’ Jim Beam

they twisted his beliefs

Trapped in this field of sonic agression

Unable to distinquish rhythm from rhyme

Smile for one more mile
boat cruisin on river Nile

Smile hold your thoughts

Two whiskeys and one packet of nuts
isn't the future to your guts

Leave the pub and go home

Why does the song have to be sad?
Suddenly you'd think it was ripped out of your heart
and this moment that I am filled with happiness
crept up to my lips and drowned me

While in love blink your eye
she will smile, it's time to kiss her goodbye
cause she will know it's all a lie

While leaving share one last kiss
you will smile and she will miss
miss your red hot chilli lips

The song remains the same
people change and the tranquillity becomes a game
Down beneath the crowded catacombs
clowns rush into the battle of the mobs

Pi: Hey dude!
Pa: Here’s your rusty nail.
Pi: Cool amigo
Pa: So what’s up with you and that beautiful lass?

Once upon long time ago little Adam came to life like Look who’s talkin
Black and white he was like a Charlie Chaplin movie
Smart, lively, social like James Bond
You were my third brother, son and best friend like the Blues Brothers

I could walk but I couldn't see
all those people running to be free.
When the sky turns to blue
I'll decide what to do with you,

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
foolin around playin seek&hide

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Hunter's huntin are all beech
they delet all things with bleach
with their theory of leech
they'r sackers droolers spooks

Tomorrow night's sweet lullaby
today's unknown delight
yesterday's little tease bye bye
flirtin winter's pulses right

The oven was broken
So the cake

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who’s the strangest of all?
Lost your soul in this idol cage
A knife on the back


It's 5: 59
cannot rythme

Boycott Taz

Afraid of Alfred Hitchcock’s movies?
How come?

Afraid of your partner?

Silence is the color of my mood...these days
but sometimes silence has two sides
easily misunderstood...
undermining silent screams of the soul...

Climbing up the cliff….no ropes
Wings are his arms
Lingers in the dark
All pitch black

Roger Bewman Biography

Was born in Virothiom during the Hicus Pocus days. Gulliver was the king of Googleland and I was a wanderer in life's supersonic wavelengths and gravitational ways. At the age of 6 I was lost in Budapest and found by philoarty paintress named Dolores. Till the age of 16 tryin' to escape her remote hideaway with no mirrors, through the motorway. But the trick was to go through the forest. Met a homeless girl called Alice and helped me to get back to Virothiom. The journey took 13 years or so, cause she was a spy spider of Dolores. Now here back in Virothiom everything has changed. Even my face looks rippled. Somehow I miss Dolores...)

The Best Poem Of Roger Bewman

20 Women And A Monk

20 women lookin’ at him
they didn’t realise he was drinkin’ Jim Beam

they twisted his beliefs
with nasty griefs

they planted a seed
of evil deed

20 women laughin’ at him
they didn’t realise he was close to Him

they poisoned his body
wrinkled his heart

they molested his past
and tore apart his future

A monk lookin’ at them
He didn’t realise they wanted his gem

He made them believe
With holy prosaic weave

He planted religion
With iron maiden legion

A monk laughin’ at them
He didn’t realise they were close to M

He drained their fire
Forfeited their lust

He vortexed their past
And illuminated their future

Roger Bewman Comments

p.a. noushad 24 April 2009

roger, your poems stain the beauty of realities.

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Francesca Johnson 16 December 2006

Original.... Funny.... Versatile.... Intelligent.... A totally crazy, Guinness-swigging, unafraid-to-say-what-he-wants-to, type of man. Oh, I nearly forgot - he's a great poet, too. Francesca J.

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Nouri Black 04 December 2006

few words abt him true friend funny lovely good looking (lool) there alots abt him but if i keep on talking i wont finished

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Lee Degnan 03 December 2006

Reading Roger is so much fun It doesn't hurt that he's such a hun When you're down and feeling blue, you'll cheer right up when he talks to you! I talk to him because he's such a hoot It's also nice that he's hunky to boot :) I'm so glad that he chose to stick around... Look out hackers, Roger's back in town! Go see for yourself why I'm such a fan, He's a real prince of a man! Best always to you Roger, Lee

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