Ray Hansell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
You Will Love Again

You wipe the tears from your face
But in your eyes there's still a trace
Of a love that lived not long ago
Your pain and sorrow still shows

A World Without Love

A world without love
Would be the saddest place
Because everyone you'd meet
Would wear their saddest face

Would You Be My Wife?

We've only been together
For a short time I know
But what I feel inside for you
Just continues grow

In The Performance Of His Duty

Killed in the performance of his duty
That's all the paper said
He took an oath, he took a job
For doing both he's dead

I Always Knew

I use to walk in fields of gold
Beneath a burning sun
I would walk all day long
Until the day was done

A Sickness

Nobody knows the torment
That I have been through
But I'm sure there are other
Who are also hurting to

Thank You Friend

We shared so very much
Through all the years
Times filled with laughter
Times filled with tears

Please Help Me Understand

I haven't heard from you
Going on far too long
But I know that something
Inside you is going wrong

She Might Be The One

Golden curls that shiine
Like diamonds in the sun
Cheeks that are rosey red
Like roses in a flower bed

No Body Loves Me Like You Do

I hold you close
On a winters night
The candle flame
Our only light

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