Ramon de Campoamor y Campoosorio

Ramon de Campoamor y Campoosorio Poems

Busqué la ciencia, y me enseño el vacío.
Logré el amor, y conquisté el hastío.
¡Quién de su pecho desterrar pudiera,

Un enjambre de pájaros metidos
en jaula de metal guardó un cabrero
y a cuidarlos voló desde el otero
la pareja de padres afligidos.

_Escribidme una carta, señor cura.
_Ya sé para quién es.
_¿ Sabéis quién es porque una noche obscura
nos visteis juntos? _ Pues...

Son hija y madre, y las dos
con frío, con hambre y pena
piden en la Nochebuena
una limosna por Dios.

A la infiel más infiel de las hermosas
un hombre la quería y yo la amaba;
y ella a un tiempo a los dos nos encantaba

¡Ay! ¡Ay!
Más cerca de mí te siento
cuando más huyo de ti,

De amor tentado un penitente un día,
con nieve un busto de mujer formaba,
y el cuerpo al busto con furor juntaba,

Ni arrastrada un pastor llevar podía
a una cabra infeliz que oía amante
balar detrás al hijo, que, inconstante,

Ya se está el baile arreglando.
Y el gaitero ¿donde está?
-Está a su madre enterrando,
pero enseguida vendrá.

¡Pobre Carolina mía!
¡Nunca la podré olvidar!
Ved lo que el mundo decía ...

Velas de amor en golfos de ternura
vuela mi pobre corazón al viento
y encuentra, en lo que alcanza, su tormento,

Ramon de Campoamor y Campoosorio Biography

Ramón María de las Mercedes de Campoamor y Campoosorio (September 24, 1817 -February 11, 1901), Spanish poet and philosopher, was born at Navia (Asturias) on the 24th of September 1817. Abandoning his first intention of entering the Jesuit order, he studied medicine at Madrid, found an opening in politics as a supporter of the Moderate party, and, after occupying several subordinate posts, became governor of Castellón de la Plana, of Alicante and of Valencia. His conservative tendencies grew more pronounced with time, and his Polémicas con la Democracia (1862) may be taken as the definitive expression of his political opinions. His first appearance as a poet dated from 1840, when the Madrid Lyceum of Art and Literature published his Ternezas y flores, a collection of idyllic verses, remarkable for their technical excellence. His Ayes del Alma (1842) and his Fábulas morales y politicas (1842) sustained his reputation, but showed no perceptible increase of power or skill. An epic poem in sixteen cantos, Colón (1853), is no more successful than modern epics usually are. Campoamor's theatrical pieces, such as El Palacio de la Verdad (1871), Dies Irae (1873), El Honor (1874) and Glorias Humanas (1885), are interesting experiments; but they are totally lacking in dramatic spirit. He always showed a keen interest in metaphysical and philosophic questions, and defined his position in La Filosofia de las leyes (1846), El personalismo, apuntes para una filosofía (1855), La metafísica limpia, fija y da esplendor al lenguaje (1862), Lo Absoluto (1865) and El Ideísmo (1883). These studies are chiefly valuable as embodying fragments of self-revelation, and as having led to the composition of those doloras, humoradas and pequenos poemas, which the poet's admirers consider as a new poetic species. The first collection of Doloras was printed in 1846, and from that date onwards new specimens were added to each succeeding edition. It is difficult to define a debra. One critic has described it as a didactic, symbolic stanza which combines the lightness and grace of the epigram, the melancholy of the endecha, the concise narrative of the ballad, and the philosophic intention of the apologue. The poet himself declared that a dobora is a "dramatic humorada", and that a "pequeño poema" is a dolora on a larger scale. These definitions are unsatisfactory. The humoristic, philosophic epigram is an ancient poetic form to which Campoamor has given a new name; his invention goes no further. It cannot be denied that in the Doloras Campoamor's special gifts of irony, grace and pathos find their best expression. Taking a commonplace theme, he presents in four, eight or twelve lines a perfect miniature of condensed emotion. By his choice of a vehicle he has avoided the fatal facility and copiousness which have led many Spanish poets to destruction. It pleased him to affect a vein of melancholy, and this affectation has been reproduced by his followers. Hence he gives the impression of insincerity, of trifling with grave subjects and of using mysticism as a mask for frivolity. The genuine Campoamor is a poet of the sunniest humour who, under the pretence of teaching morality by satire, is really seeking to utter the gay scepticism of a genial, epicurean nature. His influence has not been altogether for good. His formula is too easily mastered, and to his example is due a plague of doboras and humoradas by poetasters who have caricatured their model. Campoamor, as he himself said, did not practice art for art's sake; he used art as the medium of ideas, and in ideas his imitators are poor. His value lies largely in his expression of contemporary social attitudes. He died at Madrid on the 12th of February 1901. Of late years a deep silence had fallen upon him, and we are in a position to judge him with the impartiality of another generation. The overwhelming bulk of his work will perish; we may even say that it is already dead. His pretensions, or the pretensions put forward in his name, that he discovered a new poetic genre will be rejected later, as they are rejected now by all competent judges. The title of a philosophic poet will be denied to him. But he will certainly survive, at least in extract, as a distinguished humorist, an expert in epigrammatic and sententious aphorism, an artist of extremely finished execution.)

The Best Poem Of Ramon de Campoamor y Campoosorio


Busqué la ciencia, y me enseño el vacío.
Logré el amor, y conquisté el hastío.
¡Quién de su pecho desterrar pudiera,
la duda, nuestra eterna compañera!.
¿Qué es preciso tener en la existencia?
Fuerza en el alma y paz en la conciencia.
No tengáis duda alguna:
felicidad suprema no hay ninguna.
Aunque tú por modestia no lo creas,
las flores en tu sien parecen feas.
Te pintaré en un cantar
la rueda de la existencia:
Pecar, hacer penitencia
y, luego, vuelta a empezar.
En este mundo traidor,
nada es verdad, ni mentira,
Todo es según el color
del cristal con que se mira.

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