Rachel Stoddard

Rachel Stoddard Poems

i walk through this life
i go through the day to day
which doesn't seem like it should be the day to day
so much drama

still am not normal
never will be
don't care
actually, i'm glad

such a wonderful song
song of life
song of death
wedding song


Here i am,
down in my room, while up in a tower
my mood and thoughts
are writing a novel.

what a load of memories...
these few years make,
a couple 'good' friends,
aka: 'sometimes', and 'crazy'

Whoosh, I heard
see papers flying like a bird


The Best Poem Of Rachel Stoddard

This Life Of Drama

i walk through this life
i go through the day to day
which doesn't seem like it should be the day to day
so much drama
what's the point?
why are we here?
well, try to make the best of it
fill it with
love and happiness
and of course, fun

why am i so deficient in such a big one?
i don't know
i try to show love but,
i don't see it back

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