polash datta

polash datta Poems

If spoken, it’s to wear the mask
if spoken, the mask is to be out.

I don’t speak in fear


I woke up even before this
as there was no bed didn’t reach

Who wake’s up now?

Not in this way. If I had lived another way,
could have said.

Come down again come down let me live
nothing shines now, uncertainly burns in silence
come down come down, let them know them smell out again
let they know the name of from the face come down

Here mixes up your silent response, yet
the lies I speak are all those lies mine alone?

I break lies in curiosity, nothing seems known

Tree comes up. How?
Need eye facing mirror; powerful? powerful

Eye in the face of power-cloud

All villages on the earth are short-lived like spring today. All villages
on the earth are reticent like a true poet today. If the truth of grabbing
and destruction is felt happens such? Here’s no verandah
to contemplate in leisure of utmost corn-seed even after the land

For how long we haven’t seen grain-tree in touch
Were we destined
to die
in this way?

Everyday I contemplate to go to village in that way. Concealing our feet,
forwards water. Each and every time need money to go to village. who to provide?
And where to stay in village? The village I mean to go
none is familiar there. Who will feed me?

Where did you want to live? In village.
Now you ought to live where had grown up from infancy
What do you know that will keep you alive in village?

We were fresh then. Why night comes in village yet?
Why calls to the dark one-way tenaciously?
Nearest houses displaced a bit away? Who gaze
hour after hour sitting silently? But there’s nothing

Then where you were there were ten more people. So in darkness
you weren’t known distinctly. If it was in our village surely
would know you alone beside. But you don’t admit. You say professional people
becomes more clear and clearer in craze of job

The Best Poem Of polash datta


If spoken, it’s to wear the mask
if spoken, the mask is to be out.

I don’t speak in fear

Yet someone is merciful to human?
Words spoken unmindfully to self incessantly
and masks are gathered; on face?

Standing man speaks mask
speaks the sitting one
in fear to lose?

Time seduces that startled overwhelmed name
no more in memory and hearing also seems to be wrong;
decisive in speaking, complain- fraud?

Opening the memory-mortal, I show the name
Lively suicide in nightly midnight

Pillar of Words in eyes. Who’s name it is? Who’s name it is? ?

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