Zz 27 Hunting And Fishing Dangers Poem by Saiom Shriver

Zz 27 Hunting And Fishing Dangers

1. Hunters trip on their guns going over fences, shooting themselves or others. They can discharge a rifle in twisting an ankle in a gopher hole or over roots. They can fall into unguarded ravines or capsize in a boat. Small planes with hunting party passengers in remote regions of the West crash.
2. There are many instances of bow and arrow hunters shooting others accidentally or impaling themselves on their own arrows.
3.. Guns can misfire. Hunters sometimes look down the barrel of a rifle wondering why it didn't fire, only to have the gun discharge.
4. The use of animal urines to attract animals to their deaths can boomerang.
5. Injured animals (stags, boar, bears etc) can turn around and attack. There are many videos on the internet of injured or enraged animals attacking hunters.
6. Hunters often have heart attacks in the woods as they try to pull or carry or lift very heavy dead animals.
7 Hunters are frequently injured in tree stands. Injuries include falling asleep and then falling out of the stands.
8 Hunters lost in the woods suffer from heat or freezing, hunger and thirst.
9. While not life threatening, Ticks on deer and other animals can burrow into hunters or their dogs. Mosquitoes bite.
10 Foxhunters mounted on horses are often thrown to their deaths or injuries. Horses often break legs stepping into holes or trying to leap fences.
11 Hunters are not immune from the impotence which is related to animal flesh consumption. Michael Klaper MD has lectured around the country on vegan diet as a cure for impotence.
12. Eating animals shortens life expectancy by causing heart attacks, strokes, aneurisms, embolisms, many kinds of cancers, kidney disease, thousands of varieites of food poisoning.
13. Mad Deer, Mad Elk, and a number of other spongiform encephalopathy diseases make eating the cadavers of animals hunters kill even more dangerous.

14. Countless children have died, finding their hunter parent's gun stash and using the weapons to play, for instance, cops and robbers.
15. Hunters have accidentally shot children and adults in nearby homes.

16. Hunters often mistake hikers, campers in the woods for animals they are stalking.

17. Animals running in terror from hunters leave their bodies in fright and agony. Besides the painful death to trillions of animals are the countless animals who have died slowly from hunter injuries or the animals who are maimed but continue to live in pain with arrows protruding or infected gunshot wounds.
18. Fish die of suffocation, smashing or being knifed. Their eyes, gills, throats are ripped out by multipronged hooks.

19. Murders have been disguised as hunting accidents, e.g. William Sullivan number 3 man at the FBI, shot by a New Jersey state trooper in a housing development.
20. Hunters can encounter farmers who don't want them shooting in the woods. Thomas Dillon (not Dylan Thomas) killed five hunters in Central Ohio
21. A gathering of inebriated hunters can spell tragedy from shooting as alcohol opens the floodgates of anger.
22. The act of killing mammals and birds reduces the barrier between nonhuman and human beings. Criminal profilers and others have reported that those who have abused animals are more likely to become serial killers of human beings.

23 Fishermen often catch fishhooks in face, fingers etc.
24 They can be spiked in femoral, hand or other arteries by catfish, bitten by sharks.
25.They can be knocked out of boats by the ramming of sharks.
26 Deep sea fishing is listed by many organizations as one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Drowning,
being caught in the nets are other hazards.

27. Radiation cancers from Fukushima and illegal nuclear waste dumping around the world by other nuclear facilities, stomach cancer, lethal food poisonings including anaphylacic shock from shellfish, choking, mercury and other heavy metals destroying memory and hastening Alzheimer's, Mad Fish disease from prions expelled into the water etc are some hazards of fish eating.

Zz 27 Hunting And Fishing Dangers
what not to do

https: //www.facebook.com/whoisfreestyle/videos/10152888811254423/? pnref=story

Stag attacks hunter

https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=nD5zjUbWpXY

wild boar attacks hunter

https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=A46Ndk-ru0U

hunter in Alaska attacked by bear

https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=hcbL9W8xqs0

5 bears in Alaska attack 65 year old hunter

http: //www.inquisitr.com/1589491/bear-attack-five-bears-maul-65-year-old-hunter-in-alaska/

Lion attacks safari hunter

https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=tEIGqD80N6U

Doe injured by hunter's arrow attacks him
http: //www.fdlreporter.com/story/news/local/2015/01/03/doe-attacks-man-shot-arrow/21232447/

Louisiana man injured by deer he harmed

http: //www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/31/wounded-deer-injures-hunter/5076957/

A New Hampshire man transporting a bear he'd murdered was injured in his vehicle rollover

http: //www.wmur.com/news/hunter-transporting-bear-injured-in-atv-rollover/35157188

Milton California a group of deer hunters have confrontation with man who doesn't want them hunting the man is shot

http: //www.pnj.com/story/news/crime/2015/07/19/one-injured-milton-hunting-confrontation/30387885/

Injured hunter chooses death over paralysis

http: //www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/06/injured-hunter-chooses-death-over-paralysis/3461259/

Steve Irwin crocodile hunter who speared countless animals dies

being speared by manta ray

https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=xy25CutZTnY

Thomas Dillon (and not poet Dylan Thomas) killed 5 hunters

http: //murderpedia.org/male.D/d/dillonthomas.htm

tree stand injuries

https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=1jrXRYzmltI

hunters in Swiss and US emergency rooms

http: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4365337/

http: //ssqq.com/archive/images/arrowhead01.jpg


* thank you JC for your insight

http: //validaily.com
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