Yahoo! Web And Globilization Poem by MTHOKOZISI NTOKOZO MAPHUMULO

Yahoo! Web And Globilization

Yahoo! Inc And globalization

Yahoo! Inc. is a leading global internet communication. This company is known as a world leading internet Media Company. It is advanced in terms of search database. These companies also help internet users to navigate the World Wide Website. This company has played a biggest role in advancing globalization. (http: // .

Why is Yahoo! Inc so famous than any other companies? This is because anyone can access to use yahoo! Web site for free for free, since it not funded by subscriptions but by advertisers who pay promote products and services there. Yahoo! is the No.1 Internet brand globally and reaches the largest audience worldwide. Headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., Yahoo! has offices in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Australia, Canada and the United States.

Now globalization (What role Yahoo! Inc company has played to advance globalization)

Well yahoo! Web has played a critical role in advancing globalization. There are business members who are connected by this Web site all over the world. People who like to read does also come together in one sphere. There are also music listeners who download their music directly from the Yahoo! Web. The fact that Yahoo! Web is not accessible to those people who are not owning the computer puts us into question about globalization. The question is how mobilized the Yahoo! Web is?

It is too much mobilized among internet owners. But now let think of a person who lives at poor, Third World Countries like South Africa or Zimbwe. Firstly, these are poor people, most of whom own no computer internet. These people own no electricity too. The television, mobile phone radio and city space is the only way in which these people experience globalization. At the same time globalization is not being experienced equally among these Third World groups. People who are staying in Cities experience more globalization than those who are living in the rural areas. Indeed, the first thing that one thinks about when we think of globalization is McDonalds.Toyota TV and Media. But through it all the Yahoo! Web has conquered all factors of globalization. The question is how possible for yahoo web to conquer all factors of globalization because it?
Yahoo! Web does not exist world wide in a physical position but it exist in a literal sense. For example Mcdonald shops are located all over the world (TNCs) .. These shops are first thing to notice, by people who are coming from rural areas. When you go to shop you don’t expect to see Yahoo! Web. Even the games that kids enjoy by McDonald’s shop have no computer. But beside that Yahoo is the Best Globilazing factor today.

Who are involved in the Yahoo! Web sphere?

The proponents of yahoo as it is said are those who are engaged in businesses, book readers, music readers and movie star watchers. This tells us that our world is more and more becoming owned by educated people. Those people include millions of youth world wide who enjoy to do dating and charting online. This essay makes us to conclude that; everyone under the sun wants to be famous. There is different ways make one target familiarity. Some people are seeking expanding the recognition of their own business and thus make money. Some people are seeking those who will share their dreams and wishes with, especially book writers and musicians. The advertisers in other hand are seeking to promote their own products and thus make money. All of these people rely on Yahoo! Inc. This is not only because yahoo is a free Website, but it is also because Yahoo! Inc is having millions of followers. So tell me what make Certain Company a model of globalizing factor? . This question may take millions of years to answer.

Finally I like to dedicate this poem to Yahoo! Inc Company

Yahoo! Inc.
You are million trillion times famous and service to 274 million individuals
You are face books of the face books
You are the king of all internet users
The truly globalization begins to you
Many companies are seeking glory and familiarity
Hear and there they locate their companies
But you are located in few places
But your literal aid has make us to agree that this world is more and more becoming globalized
They told me that I must go to town and experience globalization.
But I said going to download my music of choice
But I said that is not going to found my sweet heart online

But I said that is not going to connect me to people whom I like to make business with
Give me Yahoo! Inc and let me free
Let me free from choosing the music of choice
Let me free from charting with my emotional boy and girl friend
Let me free from practicing entrepreneurship online
Yesterday I used to pay more funds just to go in town and talk to a client about my business plans
But today I just sit down if front of my computer and log on to Yahoo! Web for help in absolutely everything I need to know.
I extol you Yahoo! Inc
You are a truly globalizing force
It doesn’t make sense to say internet makes globalization to become possible
Because in these cases we do not mention which company is making such connection possible
Give me: Yahoo and leave me alone.
I wish you can come to the deep areas of rural communities so that we can experience globalization too.
I wish you can invent you own free computer models that will enable everybody to feel free to get connected with al people around the world.
There is no life without yahoo.



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