World Tb Day,2018 Celebrations (At Kfmsr Cbe, Dept. Of Medicine) Poem by Dr John Celes

World Tb Day,2018 Celebrations (At Kfmsr Cbe, Dept. Of Medicine)

World TB Day,2018 celebrations (at KFMSR CBE, Dept. of Medicine)
Theme: ‘Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world'

When children still lose precious lives,
Because of TB infection -
A microbe found century back,
And drugs too good can cure the same…
The situation is pretty bad!

Kids die in millions through the year,
In India, Africa, elsewhere;
We've failed to stem the disease spread
Or stop the birth of strains that can
Prove dangerous to the world at large.

The acid-fast rod still defies
Our plans to it eradicate;
The drugs don't reach many who need
Despite the programs well in place;
But who is to be blamed for this?

If man can't stem this rot as yet,
How can much greater feats be wrought?
The patient, doctor and system
Must wake up to the clarion call -
‘Stop the TB germ's perils! '
Written by Prof. Dr.A.Celestine Raj Manohar M.D., KFMSR, CBE.
For the CME on World TB Day
Copyright by Dr John Celes 24-03-2018

World Tb Day,2018 Celebrations (At Kfmsr Cbe, Dept. Of Medicine)
Friday, March 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: celebrations
Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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