Women Of Courage Poem by Kathy L. Goings

Women Of Courage

Rating: 4.6

Women of courage, women of strength ,
Women of faith and devotion.
Mothers of children with spirits so strong
Who may have unbridled imaginations. REFRAIN: They are women, women of courage
They are Christians, towers of strength.
They are women who put Jesus first in life
Show’ ring His love on all those they greet. Women with losses, women who love,
Whose strength and whose courage comes from above,
Whether they're mothers; or loving Aunties,
It's plain to see Jesus’ love shines through them. REFRAIN: They are women, women of courage
They are Christians, towers of strength.
They are women who put Jesus first in life
Show’ring His love on all those they greet. Women I work with, women I know,
Whether at church, or other places I go.
Women whose spirits are battered by pain,
But Christ lifts them up, and they go on again. REFRAIN: They are women, women of courage
They are Christians, towers of strength.
They are women who put Jesus first in life
Show’ring His love on all those they greet.

Mahtab Bangalee 12 July 2018

nice refrain- They are women, women of courage //// Yeah they were women, they are women and they will be women - to encourage the valour of men to beautify the world as imaginable heaven to love and unite the world in humane ............ great writings

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Jeanette Telusma 13 August 2017

- - They are women who put Jesus first in life Show’ring His love on all those they greet- - - A wonderful tribute poem for women.. Thanks for sharing.

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A poem with holistic approach on courage and women empowerment. Beautiful poem.

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Kim Conway 04 April 2008

my daugther found this poem and sent it to me and I loved it I would love to read more of this Lady's poem please send me more of Kathy's poems

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Kathy L. Goings

Kathy L. Goings

Dunbar, WV, USA
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