Will Future Torture Or Enrapture? Poem by Mailrangam Visvanathan Venkataraman

Will Future Torture Or Enrapture?

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Future is unknown
Nothing about it is shown
And so future we do not own
So confusion has grown

Now we may plan
But, God may ban
We may think we can
But God is superior to man

We can never predict
As fate will contradict
Through a different verdict
But, God, we cannot indict

Future is a guarded secret
Which may give a regret
Or success we may get
None can know it, I bet

For future if we carefully save
We will not be poverty's slave
We will not maroon in worry-wave
We can in life very boldly behave

If our plans have loopholes
We will have dolorous souls
Will be perforated our goals
Our losses, the World condoles

Plans can be for future made
With the hope of getting shade
All our duties we must not evade
Real grit must be by us displayed

Future is surely an uncertainty
It may give calamity or equanimity
Hoping has got an excellent utility
Future is safe via a sterling quality

Future will become excellent
If using of present is intelligent
Better to be in life boldly nonchalant
Calmly waiting is in itself a fine talent

As a secret let future remain
Let us postpone our pain
If it becomes a gain
We will feel immensely fine


All said and done, future remains the brilliantly concealed enigma

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