Why Does Loving You Feel So Wrong Poem by Mpho Leteng

Why Does Loving You Feel So Wrong

In the stillness of the night, I ponder
Why does loving you feel so wrong?
The way my heart aches in your absence
And yet, the weight of your presence feels heavy

I trace the lines of our tangled history
Each twist and turn a knot in my soul
Why does loving you feel like a tangled mess
A web of emotions I cannot untangle

I yearn for the simplicity of love
The kind that flows effortlessly like a river
But with you, it is a tumultuous sea
Each wave crashing against my fragile heart

Perhaps it is the forbidden nature of our love
That makes it feel so wrong
Or maybe it is the uncertainty
The doubt that lingers in the shadows

But still, I cannot deny the pull
The magnetic force that draws me to you
Even as I question the validity of my feelings
I cannot help but love you, despite it all

So I sit here, in the darkness of the night
Wondering why loving you feels so wrong
And yet, unable to resist the pull
Of the love that consumes me whole

Friday, November 28, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Love
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