Why? Poem by J. Barrett Wolf


Because it is fire and air,
earth and water,
that paint determination in your eyes,
The elements that make up life
that stand for life,
reside in your heart.

Because you laugh
with the grace of willows,
cry with the depth of oceans,
fight with the spirit of eternity
for a world that is just.

Because you are committed
to the work you do.
Each moment mattering
that someone benefit from your usefulness.

Because you understand that
which is only known to the mother,
to bleed, to scream, to invoke
the very creation of a life
for which you would move
stone and sea.

For all that is good in this world and in worlds you have not seen.
For the moments of tender holding that keep our hearts alive.

Because you can’t find it in yourself to be ordinary.

Because the sun would wait for you
to rise, if you would only ask.

Because Goddess moves in your walk
in your voice
in such simplicities
as an earring,
a crystal hung around your neck.

Because Gods call and you answer,

Because you can hear that call
and choose to answer.

Because when you open your heart
there is room enough for all
space enough for love
depth enough for pain
strength enough for courage
wisdom enough for power.

Because your face is striking
your mouth is haunting
your arms, enfolding
your breasts, fulfilling.

Because your sex tastes of spice
and honeysuckle,
like a fountain flowing from
the one true source,
Diana’s tears mixed with Hecate’s blood.

Because you love with abandon and subtlety -
writhing with tides
thrusting with desire and rage
touching with fervor and fear
caressing with skill and deference
honoring yourself and another
playing the music of deities on the
soul instrument of its playing
until the blurred, damp moments of homecoming.

Because you want to be loved with force and forgiving,
submitted to and made to submit
stroked and struck in the name of love,
in the spirit of love

always in the spirit of love.

Because there are a thousand individual moments
when your essence shines
like most precious sapphire,
when you are teaching
without even knowing who is
that you have shown your truth,
A truth beyond question.

J. Barrett Wolf

J. Barrett Wolf

Lauralton, NY
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