Who Controls Life Blood Global World Fresh Water? Poem by Terence George Craddock

Who Controls Life Blood Global World Fresh Water?

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control of life blue gold all the worlds
fresh water held in secret companies
shell companies hide ownership keys

once long past two thousand years
ago the world's massed populations
during Roman Empire's expansions

was less than 3% of todays entire earth populations
but entire fresh water available was still the same no less
we have created deserts with deforestation pollutions

once water was a guaranteed basic human right
behold rich cities countries suck up water reserves
poor countries dry up impoverished wither thirst

water sustaining life sweet sacred holy source
taken for granted by citizens of industrial nations
turn on taps thoughtless wasted out she comes

but water is more precious than fine wines
not a free right a commodity more precious
than undrinkable dark crude oil refined gas

once countries governments owned their national waters
but now shared rivers are tapped sapped by first come users
who is dominant player in limited world water business?

who has controlling interest in privatized water companies?
once big dams reservoirs were owned by nation governments?
like power companies water has been sold into private hands?

cities countries farmers are running out of life water sources
supplies sold to highest bidders droughts dry up vital cash crops
deleted applicants bankrupted on H2O loser need to have lists

inland seas have dried up skeletons litter new wastelands
glacier water mountain water great lakes all rivers streams
globilization places centralization of power in fewer hands

wake up smell roses before petals wither soil turned to sands
perfume petals rosewater so sweat what do you value precious
worthless diamonds gold crude is not blessed food shed tears

life precious water is a nations most valuable vital resource
without water no land city nation is viable sustainable tears
are water dehydrated dying souls cannot even weep death tears

Alaska Asia hidden lips acquired available water concessions
consider finite diminishing entire world's fresh water stock is
less than one half of 1% of the world's water locked in salt seas

ice caps polluted waste waters too poputed to use
crisis is now every day every day world water demands
needs increase already boat peoples flee new desserts

behold the kicker new international trade agreements
no country owns its own water worldwide hidden hands
are locking up last bucket fulls of disappearing waters

Do good people, kind caring humanitarians, rule the world?
Do metaphorical, lying cheating ratbags, unseen obsenely
selfish filthy rich, sneaky greedy really; sly hidden rule world?

control of life blue gold all the worlds sacred waters
fresh water held in their elite secret shell companies
shell companies hide greed mask H2O ownership keys

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Written in June 2015 on the 18&19.6.2015.
Complete version of the split images 'Shell Companies Purchase Life Key Blue Gold', 'Water Sustaining Life Sweet Sacred Holy Source', 'Cities Countries Farmers Need Life Water Sources', 'New Global Race To Secure Water Rights' and 'Shell Companies Hide Greed Mask H2O Ownership Keys' by Terence George Craddock.
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