When The Invaders Come Poem by Delicate Heart

When The Invaders Come

Rating: 3.1

Only home is worthy of my all.
To him I donate my integral soul.
My senses are full of patriotism.
When time comes I'm in realism.
Ready to any sort of occupation.
To fill him up with trepidation.
The body is at my command.
To defeat each vicious hand.
I 'll eradicate his hangar.
By such a bloody tanker.
My enemy may rush off his feet.
Fearing my tremendous fleet.
Looks like over the world am I.
Whenever all my enemies die.

Britney Hogue 26 March 2009

i like this poem. Nice rhyme

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Rosalita Fernandez 26 March 2009

brilaintly written, well done!

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Ency Bearis 26 March 2009

a substantial write of being patriotic..well penned/rhymes...10

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Tiffany Fawcett 26 March 2009

Hey! I must say I think this is my 'New Best Poem of The Day' poem. I am really loving. Thanks soooooooo much for telling me to check it out. And keep 'em coming towards me. Love ya, Tiff.

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Lily Law 27 March 2009

Each words are matched perfectly with the idea... Well penned though... ^-^

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Muhammad Ali 27 April 2009

Though this poem is something with different theme! i like your thoughts fellow 10+

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Zoe Meyer 26 April 2009

the rhyme scheme and rythmic pulse in this poem are fantastic. i really enjoy this. i also enjoy yr tone and language. keep everything the way it is. changing some words to make it more grammatically correct would only make the poem to wordy and demean free self expression.

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L.J. Mooney 25 April 2009

I really understood the protectiveness and loyalty behind this poem. Very good. However, I think the line 'Where when time comes I am in realism' should read 'When the time comes, I am in realism.' Other than that, I liked it.

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Barry A. Lanier 06 April 2009

This poem sounds like the ardent loyalty and fervor of a soldier and fighter.....I might consider using Whereas in the final line, , , , don't know..food for thought

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Melissa Hatch 06 April 2009

I loved it its very good : D

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