When Miss Intimacy Meets Mr Sopistication Poem by iris shih

When Miss Intimacy Meets Mr Sopistication

Hiding behind the little bush was the never-I-could imagine luckiest ambush
There comes the little "him" he crawled he walked as if a little "me"
One step closer was the big zoom of the vampire baby teeth
Screaming, shouting was everything coming out from a little whitish brown kitty
"Oh my gosh" how could he just be so that cute? !
His gemmy tiny eyes were saying "You're my mommy! "
"Geeze Thanks God" as if I haven't prayed ever since I last left VC (my secondary school)
"Off we go" such little baby was wrapped away without one sec of feeling sorry

Going to the pet shop not to mention to the vet
Never forgetting a shower together was the next step
"Oh bloody hell" he cried he jumped as if a freaking dancing crab
Poor me was the one to fight that ugly every bug pressing each of them to burst
Every since that day I shine I smile no matter where we place our footstep
As if a pregnant woman whose baby has a kitty pat pat
Along every step is he who attracts rainbow laughters
Intervening different dots into lines & never leaving a web behind
If intimacy is what every heart desires
Then why on Earth do we need a sophisticated mind in this jewellery pearl?

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