When Faith Finds Its Way Poem by Gary James Smith

When Faith Finds Its Way

When Faith Finds Its Way

When faith finds its way into a heart
It's a step towards liberation
For when the Word of God is believed by faith
Its substance results in Salvation
God has not left us in the dark
For Christ is His glorious light
Seek ye the Lord while He may be found
And be delivered from sins plight

Why wander in the paths of the wilderness
When there's One who'll guide your way
Come now and be ye reconciled to God
And know the Lord Jesus as your Stay
For he who has the Son has the Father
You'll find it written in the Word
If there was anything that you ever wanted to know
It should be that the destiny of your soul is secured

The just shall live by faith
For without faith it's impossible to please God
The Creator laid down that discipline
And it's most wise to be understood
You can be saved by grace through faith
God's Word is its substantiator
Come now let us reason together
Is the Word from our Maker, Creator...

Awaken your soul to God's righteousness
It is to be found in the Son
Whose work on the Cross on your behalf
Assures us victory over sin
Then there's that death factor as well
Have you heard of the Resurrection
Giving us praise God...victory over it!
For saving faith brings it to perfection!

Mount Calvary has its place in history
The old rugged Cross still sustains
For the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ
Its power...it still remains!
Hallelujah I have found Him
I believed and made faith's application
Now my joy? ! ! ! ...He's living in me!
O the wonder! ...glorious wonder...of His so great Salvation!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright January 9 2021 9: 42 AM

Gary James Smith

Saving faith...how sweet it is!
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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