What's The Point In Moths Poem by lindsey ashton

What's The Point In Moths

What is the point in moths? Flying around at night,
Trying to get into your house, trying to get to the light.
Why be nocturnal? When all they want is bright,
Bobbing around the light bulb, giving me a fright.

What is the point in moths, what do they do?
Except nose dive me when they see me, why? I don’t have a clue.
They don’t bother those who aren’t scared of them, just people like me and you,
Sniffing us out to attack us, selecting the frightened few.

What is the point in moths? What purpose do they serve in life?
To come in to my house, to cause trouble and strive.
They don’t do anything, but hang around me and the light,
Weighing me up to attack, with all their might.

What is the point in moths? Why can’t they all just disappear?
Instead of when darkness falls, making me live in fear.
We’re not going to get rid of them, I think it is clear,
But I’ll have a bloody good try, of getting rid of the ones that come near.

What is the point in a dead moth? Victory is mine, (haha)
But another one will come, in a matter of time,
Until then I’ll feel calm and fine,
What’s the point in moths? The hairy nocturnal fly!

lindsey ashton

lindsey ashton

wigan, manchester UK
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