What John 3: 16-18 Means To Us. Poem by Roxanne Dubarry

What John 3: 16-18 Means To Us.

Isn't it wonderful,
God so loved you and me.
He sent his only begotten
Son, Jesus Christ,
into the world to redeem us.

God does not want us to
perish but have everlasting
life. What a wonderful
free gift from Jesus Christ!

Why did God decide to send his son
into our world? God loves us and does
not want us to perish. He sent his
son, Jesus Christ because he
wanted us to enjoy everlasting life.

God did not want to condemn the
world for our sins.He truly
does not want us to become condemned.
Through his son, he wanted the
world to become saved.

If we decide to believe in
his son we shall be saved.
But if we refuse him and
the free gift shall become

Why will we become condemned?
Because we rejected his
the free gift of everlasting life.
And must pay the penalty
for our own sins.

If we believe in him,
we shall never perish,
but have everlasting life.

God was not interested in
condemning the world.
He wanted the world
we live in to become

If you and I choose
to believe in Jesus Christ,
we will be saved.

However, if we refuse
his free gift of
everlasting life,
we shall be condemned.

And why will we become
condemned, and pay
our own penalties
for our sins?

Because of our
unbelief, we are
unable to enjoy
everlasting life.

The choice is up to
me and you. What are
we going to do?
Are we going to choose
life and live?

Have we decided to reject
Christ and perish
in our sins forever

I do not know about you.
But I have decided to
follow Jesus Christ.
By accepting his
free pardon for
my sins.I have
freely received
The free gift of everlasting life.

Thursday, November 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: spirituality,theology
I was wondering what my next poem on this site should be about.The Holy Spirit, spoke to me and said, " Roxanne, why not write a poem about your favorite Bible verses John 3: 16-18? I hope you
enjoy this poem as much as I did!
Roxanne Dubarry

Roxanne Dubarry

Seattle, Washington
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