What Goes Around Comes Back Around Poem by Emmanuela Petit Frere

What Goes Around Comes Back Around

Every things we do in life will come back to hunt us

So live your life wisely

Think about your decision thoughtfully

Make every second count

Love all even your enemies

Do wrong to none

Forgive even those who can't forgive you

Help even those who said they don't need your help

Make one who's hurting smile

Tell him who have no more hope that there still hope if he believe

Tell him who lost his love one that his love one is living in side of him Just open his heart to see

Tell her who lost her child that there's another child waiting to be loves by her

Tell him who heart is broke that there someone who's waiting to love him more Than he could possibly think

Tell him who think there's no better world out there

That if he works hard he will find the better world, better yet it will find him

Tell him who think life is not worth living to ask himself why her

mother carried him for nine month if she didn't believe he deserve to live

Don't forget what goes around comes around

Even if you don't recompense

Your children, children will

Because in life what goes around come back around.

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