What? Poem by Justin Reamer


I guess I have
Some questions that remain
Unanswered to this day,
But I will write them
Out on paper so that
I can have my say.

What is a human being?
What is a brain?
What is a mind?
What is a soul?
What is your favourite subject?
What is the meaning of life?
What is the longest word in the English language?
What does that word mean?
What is the universe?
What are aliens?
What is philosophy?
What does philosophy do?
What is the purpose of science?
What does an atheist do with his
Or her life?
What is a government for?
What is the purpose of a society?
What is the purpose of culture?
What is so important about countries?
What is the U.N. for?
What is Dharma?
What does it have to do with this world?
What is the purpose of knowing calculus?
What is love?
What is Love?
What is the purpose of marriage?
What does it mean to be nocturnal?
What is a pyromaniac?
What is wrong with serial killers?
What do pyromaniacs do?
What is sexual assault?
What is wrong with being gay?
What is wrong with being a lesbian?
What is wrong with being bisexual?
What is the purpose of prejudice?
What is the purpose of discrimination?
What is wrong with drinking alcohol in moderation?
What is Karma?
What is its purpose?
What is family?
What is its purpose?
What are all the letters of the alphabet?
What is the biggest pencil in the world?
What is the world record for running miles?
What is the world record for juggling?
What is the longest book ever written?
What is terrorism?
What were the Twin Towers?
What is the purpose of emotions?
What does the Earth do?
What is wrong with me?
What is my purpose in life?
What do I have in common with other human beings?
What is the purpose of a psychologist?
What is this room I am in?
What is your name?
What are your hobbies?
What are you majoring in?
What is your age?
What is your birthday?
What is the importance of these questions?
What is the purpose of asking them?
What is my name?
What are my hobbies?
What is my past?
What do people think of me?
What do my friends think of me?
What does my mum think of me?
What does my father think of me?
What do my siblings think of me?
What does God think of me?
What do I think of myself?
What is a revolution?
What is a husband?
What does he do?
What is a son?
What does he do?
What is a brother?
What does he do?
What is a father?
What does he do?
What is a family?
What is its purpose?
What is a boyfriend?
What does he do?
What is an engineer?
What is a teacher?
What is a writer?
What is a poet?
What is a novelist?
What is a firefighter?
What is a personal trainer?
What is an athlete?
What is my problem?
What is your problem?
What is your feeling?
What is chemistry?
What is a compound?
What is a unicorn?
What is fantasy?
What is the difference between real and pretend?
What is right and wrong?
What are morals?
What is morality?
What is heaven?
What is hell?
What is an actor?
What is an actress?
What is the purpose of the police?
What is the military?
What is its purpose?
What is a car?
What is a mechanic?
What is a doctor?
What is an EMT?
What am I?
What is a drug?
What does it do to you?
What is a radio?
What does it do?
What is the purpose of a TV?
What is an American?
What is an Indian?
What is a Brit?
What was the USSR?
What was the Soviet Union?
What is Communism?
What is capitalism?
What is democracy?
What is dictatorship?
What is autocracy?
What is monarchy?
What is authoritarianism?
What is oligarchy?
What is a corporation?
What is a CEO?
What is a CFO?
What is an employer?
What is an employee?
What is retail?
What is a business?
What is floccinaucinihilipilification?
What is that?
What is this?
What is Yellowstone?
What is a park?
What is a language?
What is a dictionary used for?
What is an almanac used for?
What is an encyclopedia used for?
What is an atlas used for?
What is a map?
What is life?
What is the Bible?

I guess I have enough questions
For now,
So I will leave and
Perhaps ask some more another day.

This is just something I wrote to remind me of what I was like in elementary school. I asked a lot of questions and I still did not understand the content, even with my disability. This is just something I think is cool to remind me of my childhood. I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to comment and vote.
Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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