We Were Never Good Enough Poem by Mia Anderson

We Were Never Good Enough

Why aren't I perfect?
Why aren't I special?
Why do I never belong to anyone of those groups?

All those fake smiles and fake words
Those fake tones but those fake burn
Our smiles hide what we once tried
But in the end we know it's our turn

Have you ever seen the one that smiles laughing with their friends
Walking down the hall you see the truth that glimmers in their eye
When we go home that wall comes down
The smile turns into a frown

I can't see with my blind eyes
I can't feel with my broken heart
The sun above shows shadows to me
The shadows that show only dark

For the ones who tell me I'm not alone
That they are right alone with me
You're wrong- how can I try to connect
When I see you walking, talking, flocking
You're not alone
3rd wheels
4th wheels
Blocked out
Missed in sight
We were never good enough

How do people think they understand
They know none of what happens
When you are the one walking
Talking with an acquaintance
They come to say hi
Hi to that other person
'Hi! Whats up! '
Unnoticed -
Unnoticed and -
Unnoticed and left

You aren't here
You aren't breathing
You aren't alive
Who are you?
Why do we care?

You say you are my friend
But apparently in your definition
Friends are to be acted like they aren't your friend when who? !
When someone more cool
More better
More popular- Popularity huh?

What is popularity?
What does it mean
I will tell you what it means
It means giving up your life to be better
Best shoes
Best life
Most money
Biggest house
Your friends you need to surround you
They take you
They breathe you
Eventually they tear you down
Was it really you they wanted?

Why bother
Who knows you for you
You for who you want to be
You for who you need to be
Fake friends
Fake truths
They claw you down to fill your shoes-
For what?
For the seconds of what is the top?
A drop
Whats next?
You build your life from what's above but what's next

Popularity to hide what's inside criticism
To fat
To skinny
Not good enough for you
To week
To poor
You might think of the perfect life
But who has it?
There are some who struggle and there are some who fall
Darker and deeper than the rest
The deeper you go
The harder you fall
We were never good enough

How do we fake
We might text and talk about how we have no friends with the lol and the omg
How funny when they say you are surrounded
You aren't
This wall and mask we all have
What is behind it
The doubts and the hatred
You know inside you are the one no one wants
It's the better one
The one with the better body
The better looks
Who's nicer
Whose sassier

They don't like me
My words
My looks
My what?

I can guess
They say I'm mean
Lol, funny
But deep inside I make the list
What's wrong with me we wonder
1 million plus of things I bet
But not one I think to like

Ask yourself
What do you think is wrong with yourself
What is your flaw
But then ask yourself
What do you like about yourself
What is perfect
What is the thing that us as a community
To find the self doubt and learn

No one will understand
You laugh and you smile
Deep inside you lied
You think you are this
But you know you are that
My ugliness
My personality
It's never good enough
You ask why do I care
Why does it matter what people think
How can't it
The words you are called stick
They are the bullets shot in your heart
It's only a wall
It's only the mask
You know that you
You were never good enough

Why do you ask such a question
It does
It hurts to be called all of the words we are called
We were never good enough

Thursday, March 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: darkness,depression,imperfection,life,lonely,nothing,sadness
Feeling like you are misunderstood and always hiding under a mask is hard. People might not know the real you and they might not like it. Did you ever think you were just not good enough for anyone?
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