We...They Poem by Istabraq Al Ahmadi


We are the followers of Yazid.
They are the followers of Abu Lu'lu'ah.
we are the murderers of Hussein.
They are the traitors of Hussein.

We are in hell.
They are in hell.
Our killing is halal.
Their killing is halal.

We are the sons of Nikah al-jihad.
They are the sons of Nikah al-muta'h.
We are Al Qaeda and ISIS.
They are the militias.

We are the dogs of Israel.
They are the dogs of Persia.
We are bathite, saddamite and wahhabis.
They are the persians.

We are Al Rawafidh.
They are Nawasib.

We worship Allah
And they worship Allah.
We believe in Mohammed and all the prophets
And they believe in Mohammed and all the prophets.

We pray
And they pray
So why not we be they
And they be us.

Monday, June 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: religion
This poem seeks to tackle the segregation of the Iraqi community betweem the 'we' and the 'they, ' namely between the Sunnis and the Shiites who, for many years, lived peacefully, lovingly and harmoniously until the American invasion of 2003 came to rib our coutry apart with that peace, love and harmony becoming more of an illusion than a reality. what aggrevated this segregation was the sectarian discourse of the so-called Iraqi politicians who, more than any force, contribute to and incite the eruption of the civil war to be the prime fruit of the liberation. The poem aims at highlighting the fact that despite historical issues and some minor controversial religious issues, the Sunnis and the Shiites are all brothers who must be united in the name of Allah.
Nosheen Irfan 28 June 2016

A poignant n thought-provoking piece on the division within religion.

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Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek 21 June 2016

Ya, Istbarag It is so the case. Because we were and still are the most stupid people we have helped to destroy the most important civilization in the human history. Because they do not have history or roots so they have destroyed and stolen your history and the dreams from tour eyes you great Iraqi people. I read this poem. It is so political, so ethical and so striking.

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Thanks a lot Dr. Ahmed. I am honored to have a great person like you to read my poem and comment on it. Wish you the best of luck.

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Istabraq Al Ahmadi

Istabraq Al Ahmadi

Iraq/ Al Anbar/ Ramadi
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