We Are Charlie, We Are Paris Poem by Richard Theze

We Are Charlie, We Are Paris

Rating: 5.0

We are Charlie, We are Paris

Through terror
They may seek to divide us
And wage war on our liberty,
To contradict democracy
And limit our freedom,
But still we stand -

And we stand still by the principle:
‘Liberty for the enemies of liberty’,
For they will not answer to us
And we will not answer to them,
Now or in future,
But to a court higher
In whose books
The people is one -
For, regardless of religion,
We are one nation.

And concerning those matters
Over which we differ,
The truth will out:

'Be no longer a people without minds -
We all are Charlie, we all are Paris'.

Sunday, November 29, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: truth
Daniel Brick 06 December 2015

Your poem affirms two core values of democracy: the first is stated in startling irony, namely LIBERTY FOR THE ENEMIES OF LIBERTY. An American politician (I forget his name) put it, I DISAGREE WITH WHAT YOU ARE SAYING AND WILL DEFEND TO MY DEATH YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT. That is a value the terrorists reject, The other core value is the sense of solidarity which is embodies in the chant, WE ARE CHARLIE etc. Your poem is a lesson in democracy and an anthem to unify its supporters.

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Richard Thézé 06 December 2015

Thank you for your comments Daniel. I read the line you mention in a newspaper after the Paris attacks last month. I wish I'd kept a note of which paper now, but, like you, I believe it has to be a core value of democracy. I believe that it was Evelyn Beatrice Hall, best known for her biography of Voltaire, who penned the words: I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. It is a great quotation.

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Souren Mondal 30 November 2015

I am not a French citizen. But je suis Charli aussi. Anyone who supports the core value of democracy and does not bow down to the terrorists is a 'Charlie'... Thanks for sharing..

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Richard Theze

Richard Theze

Bicester, Oxfordshire
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