Value Trust Poem by Paul Sebastian

Value Trust

When heart's deep-rooted trust is broken
Can broken pieces be glued together?
Can deep soulful pain be forgotten?
Can forgiveness make one's heart recover?

Why suffer through the painful truth?
Can the gift of patience endure, stand strong?
Should I pray to make my path smooth?
Could my love find home, a place to belong?

Trust was painstakingly over terrains built
We defended the darts thrown on us
Resolved in love, did not easily sway or tilt
In absence we felt each other's presence

We shared at gut level our feelings
We opened our hearts to be real
We bore without hold-back inhibitions
We promised and had our love sealed

Weeds of negative thoughts sprouted
Rearing its ugly head
Over-thinking got my thoughts clouded
Understanding misplaced

Trust is faith in the unseen
Faith is beyond words spoken
Trust is love's core theme
Love is dead when trust is broken


Value Trust
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love,trust
Hans Vr 17 December 2016

Very well written poem, Paul. Never underestimate the power of forgiveness. Keeping hatred in our hearts, is like keeping the venom of a snake bit in our blood. We do not die of a snake bite, we die because of the venom that keeps running. Hatred is venom. Its antidote is forgiveness. It removes the venom. We will still avoid being bitten again by the same creation, but we do not keep hatred in our hearts.

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Paul Sebastian 18 December 2016

Hi Hans, good to hear from you again. Thanks dear friend for your affirmation. You are riright..unforgiveness is the venom that kills us.

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